
Favored Wedding Songs and Why You Must Not Prefer Them

By Susan Todd

When you are searching for wedding songs, you have got to make certain that you check the words. At first glance, the title might be attractive and the tune is nice , but the lyrics might not be accurately what you would like to dance to. The further thing you need to look into is the premises of the song. While all up to this point may look great, getting to know why the song was written may alter your perception about it.

Three songs that are plausibly suitable, but when digging a touch deeper may really not, are "Perfect Day", "Every Breath You Take", and "On Bended Knee". Learn the reasons why you shouldn't choose these songs for your wedding day.

Perfect Day by Lou Reeds

Perfect Day has a great tune and tempo and outwardly acceptable words at first impression. However , when you dig into the premises of this song, many individuals think that it is about Lou Reed's drug addiction. The final line of the song also just sort of ruins the whole thing: "you're going to reap just what you sow".

Every Breath You Take by the Police

Every Breath You Take by the Police also looks like a nice song for a wedding. But if you investigate around, you will find that the majority think this song is about Sting's breakup with his first wife. Breaking up isn't the sentiment you may want on your wedding day, obviously.

On Bended Knee by Boys II Men

While this song could appear like a good one at first, it's really about a guy pleading his fiance to go back to him. Again, this is not a message that should be played on your wedding day.

If you know of more outwardly good wedding songs that just aren't for some reason, leave a comment and we'll add to the list!

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