
The Megapixel Camera

By Andrew Brown

When considering buying new digital cameras one of the important specifications to look at is the megapixel count with higher counts being better on the whole.

The megapixel count is the number of pixel sensor points that receive photons and register their impact to create a digital image. One megapixel is a million pixels with the maximum resolution of images created by the camera being limited by their sensor size. Digital images are made up of small squares created with the information received by each pixel with each having colour and light level information. Having too few pixels will leave images with visible blockiness and fail to preserve fine detail.

The megapixel count for a given camera can be calculated by multiplying the height by the width of the maximum size image the camera can take and alternatively a rough idea of the maximum resolution can be gained by doing the reverse.

There are arguments for and against the advantages of more megapixels with some conditions not favouring higher megapixel counts such as low light levels where too few photons would hit each pixel to give a good image resulting in higher image noise. Higher counts are more demanding on the camera's processor and create larger files resulting in longer processing and upload to storage times, this can limit a photographer's ability to take multiple shots. The larger file size also means a memory card will not be able to store as many shots. Finally very high counts can lead to 'noise', that is adjacent pixels interfering with one another and is visible as pixels that are noticeably off colour compared to those around them, usually creating a speckled appearance on dark parts of the image.

Noise will vary from camera to camera so it is a good idea for a buyer to look at sample images or try the camera for themselves to see how it deals with noise.

The advantages of higher megapixel counts include far higher levels of detail and the absence of blockiness. It is also useful for less experienced photographers as the larger size and detail of the photos produced allowed cropping, that is removing parts of the image, to reframe the image to improve its placement of the subject. Larger megapixel counts are also better for any use of photographs that will display them in a larger way such as on a large print or even a poster, the extra pixels will keep it sharp as the image is expanded.

Manufacturers use megapixel counts as a marketing tool as consumers perceive them as wholly advantageous so cameras that are higher up in a range of products will have higher megapixel counts and this will be matched with better hardware and lenses.

If you are buying new digital cameras a higher megapixel count is a good indication of the overall quality of it and where it is placed in a range in comparison to other cameras. It is a positive feature of a camera to have a higher count but should not lead a buyer to ignore the other features a camera has and compare them between models.

High mega pixel cameras are also becoming a key feature of many new release mobile phones. As with the cameras, a higher mega pixel camera often gives greater capability as with the LG Optimus 2X.

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The Digital Wedding Album Design Services You Have To Look Into

By Kevin Browne

As a professional photographer, you recognize very well that new brides and new couples are demanding more and more dominance over ever detail of their wedding. Making sure that digital wedding album design is one of the services you offer then becomes critical to your success.

You know it from your own business...new couples and their families want to be involved in each and every aspect of the photography shooting selection and delivery process.

And that makes partnering with the strongest photography partner absolutely critical. Think about how much easier it will be for you to do what you are driven by most by being able to offer yous best clients more.

Collages was created almost 12 years ago with the exclusive purpose of enabling professional photographers to do more. To get more exposure through the best products and services that would support their talents behind the camera.

More than a decade ago a business called Collages.net was founded to step in and help photographers sell in ways they never had before.

And the reason all this happened is because the founders of this amazing new company knew that photographers of every level needed a little help with the business end of their businesses. It was and is, a match made in heaven some in the business would say.

Digital wedding album design is one of the most important things you can offer as a pro photographer that specializes in weddings.

And you have to be able to offer it (and so many other things) as you pitch each new client.

Digital wedding album design grows is ultra sophisticated, and produces drop-dead gorgeous albums.

Stop focusing on yesterday. You can now focus on what's possible.

Cool, huh?

About the Author:

The Photography Storefront You Know You Need To Have

By Kevin Browne

Okay, how about we put aside all of the camera equipment just for a moment and really get into how you can start to revolutionize your photography business? I think it's high time we talked about your new photography storefront and all that is about to come with it... like all of those great new ways to start generating more revenue from your career.

So then let's get to some of the most proven new and smart ways for you to generate money from your love and passion for photography.

Almost 12 years ago, a company called Collages.net was founded and had just one very simply yet powerful goal.. that being to assist professional photographers in any and every way possible get more exposure. Here suddenly was a business that would show photographers how to create more business. Talk about perfect.

To do just that meant creating of the most tireless customer service teams on the planet and then systematically creating specialty products for photographers at every level.

Because they knew that by giving pros a photography storefront, the world would open up to them. And let me tell you one thing...that was music to the ears of pros behind the camera everywhere.

At Collages, professional photographers can "stock" their storefronts with a professional color lab, full design services, coffee table books, the ability to sell images online and so much more.

And what about those support teams that exude passion like none you have ever seen before? Sorry but you just won't be able to ask them a question about photography that they cannot or will not answer. Not that the toughest question you have wouldn't get you a call later in that day.

In a world with so many spinning plates, here is a company with an unshakable desire to help photographers sell. You have to applaud that clarity.

If you are ready to create a photography storefront and make it yours and turn it into more revenue, you already know that you need to head to Collages.

About the Author:

Rating Of The Best Digital Camera Models Currently Available For Sale

By Mike Morrisson

Looking to purchase a digital cameras? Trying to find out which is the best digital camera to purchase? Well, in this article, we'll discuss the very best digital cameras of 2010 and discover the pros and cons of every one.

You'll find quite a lot of factors you need to consider when you're buying a digital camera. These include but aren't limited to the brand, the cost, the features, the build, the customer reviews, etc. Herein, I'm compiling a list of the best digital cameras according to me. To make it in this list, a digital camera needs to be great because I'm someone who is pleased by just almost every other technology wonder! It requires to be really, really special to get a mention.

So, here we go...

Nikon D7000 - Nikon is appropriate up there with Canon in terms of making digital camera models, in my opinion. This one is a proof of their benchmarks. An absolutely spectacular camera with a wonderful viewfinder; the Nikon D70000 has been loved by everyone. It's slightly on the expensive side yet, the cost is cent percent justified.

It's a 16.2 Megapixel camera and it also enables you to take stunning videos in full HD (1080P). There are so many features that it'll fill up more than a few webpages. If you're a professional photographer, this is for you. If you're not a professional photographer, but someone who really wants to take stunning pictures, this is for you.

You'll understand what I'm talking about once you hold this camera in your hand. Its an absolute masterwork - the buttons, knobs, controllers have all been positioned at the best locations which makes it easier to use. The image quality is certainly not less than amazing. What's better still is the fact that this camera is one of the few that you could take with you when traveling. It is among the lighter ones. I researched for this camera's reviews online and it appears like most people agree with me. It gets an average of 4.5 stars.

Canon EOSD 5D - This camera comes a close second. Actually, I'd say there's a tie between the first and the second. It is really an equally great camera and if you enjoy the Canon brand, this is for you. It's a bit limited in the video capabilities though so if you're at the top of video, this isn't the camera for you. Apart from that, the image quality rocks ! and you'd adore it, I'm sure. It's costlier than the Nikon's therefore if your budget is restricted, go for the Nikon.

This is 12.8 MP having a 2.5 inch LCD digital display. One con for me was it didn't mount as a drive after i hooked up it to my Mac. I was able to move my work eventually however, I had to undergo a totally different (and painstakingly tough!) route.

For picture quality & overall characteristics, I'd give this camera a 4 start. For those other things mentioned above, such as the price, I give it a 3 star.

Nikon Coolpix S8100 - If you're purchasing on a seriously limited budget, this is actually the camera for you. Though it's nowhere close to the quality of the two I've mentioned previously, you receive what you pay for. In this instance, though, you get far more than you spend for. The cost is extremely low so when you retain that in mind, the quality and all the other features are incredibly great.

I'm not too fond of the body layout, though. The controls are put in awkward areas and also you end up doing things you didn't attempted to! Overall, this digital camera gets a 2.5 star based on the features and the price.

About the Author:

Learn Blues Guitar Revealed

By Joe Rosales

It's not that kind of blues. Nobody here's a candidate for Prozac. But if you want to be worthy of that guitar you're holding, read on and let the blues be your guide.Hold on to your blues guitar chords and practice all the time. Eventually you'll make your way to the Blues Jam with your guitar. The Blues Jam is the venue to show off your talent, and this all begins with the blues guitar chords. The magical blues guitar sound will come later.

Learning the blues guitar chords include a knowledge of the blues scales, blues runs, major third note, and other important fundamentals of the blues guitar. Understanding the entire process and system will equip the blues guitar player with the coveted improvisation skills.

Improvisation on the blues guitar chords can lead to other genres like rock, electrica, jazz, and rock 'n roll. It is unfortunate that most beginners underestimate the blues. Everyone wants to go the easy route and start playing guitar solos, but that's just wrong. To become a good guitar player and to even go halfway, the blues have to be experienced because the blues has it all.

For their first lessons, beginners are given blues pieces by their instructors. This has basis, because the blues is the best place to start when you want to move forward with your guitar playing.

The basic blues guitar lessons involve the learning of the common blues introductions - usually in the A key with alternates and variations. The melody and harmony lessons precede the blues rhythm. There are three primary chords frequently played in most blues - the 1st, 4th, and 5th intervals or the 3 chords progression from a major scale. There will be several variations here. In the key of A, the triads are A, D, and E. For the key of B, it would be B, E, and F#.

Assuming you already have a background on guitar tablature and know the basic guitar chords, you will be introduced to blues guitar chords, such as the blues movable barre chords. When the first finger of the left hand presses all six strings across the fingerboard, the finger acts as a bar. You will then be able to move several of the open chords across the fingerboard. Other blues guitar chords are A 7 B, blues rhythm guitar in C, blues shuffle boogie in E, blues rhythm guitar in A, riffs, scales and runs. These are just a few of the blues guitar chords you can get from online guitar sites.

Learning the blues guitar chords is learning how all these work together. So you have to learn the chords by groups or chord progressions. Constant practice will attune your ear to the different tones produced.
If you want a better sound when you play your blues guitar chords, use a guitar with big strings. Great blues guitarists prefer bigger frets too. This gives more space for their fingers, and there is less of a drag because there is minimal contact with the fingerboard.

Wear the slide on the finger you are comfortable with, but practice wearing it on the others too. If you are using a slide guitar, do not use a pick. It will be awkward initially but you will soon get used to it.When you have mastered the blues guitar chords, you will eventually develop flexibility and style. You can test the different blues guitar chords in different ways to create your own blues sound. And yes, this blues will bring a smile on your face.

About the Author:

Exclusive Beats

By Erik Mendoza

You can find this type of software all over the Internet. Just do a search for "make your own beats" or "recording studio software". As you search, you will notice that on average, this type of software will run you between $50 and $200. Don't Buy Them (you'll see why shortly)! Now you're going to need beats, melodies, chords, samples, and loops to customize with your recording studio software, aka: soundsets and loopsets. Again, just do a search for "beats" or "loops". They usually come in packages of about 200 soundsets for $30 and 300 loopsets for $60, or 600 soundsets for $75 and 900 loopsets for $150. Don't Buy Them Either!

Alright, so at the minimum, $140 gets you the low-end studio software, 200 soundsets, and 300 loopsets... or if you want a little better quality studio software and more soundsets and loopsets, you can spend about $425 for high-end studio software, 600 soundsets, and 900 loopsets. That's everything you need to make your own beats, instrumentals, samples, loops, tracks, and complete demo cd's. But why did I say Don't Buy Them?

Because you can get it all, the studio software and over 1,100 soundsets and loopsets for under 30 bucks with Hip Hop Starz Record Producer and Mixer Studio (see "about the author" at the bottom of this article). This is an unheard of price for everything you need, and it is of such good quality, I have dedicated an entire page of my Snoop Dogg website to it. It is loaded with many features you will find on the high-end software selling for $100 or more. Also, they are currently holding a Win A Record Contract Contest with Doug E Fresh. Use the software and enter to win!

There are many, many ways to make money with your own music. The first thing you need to do, though, is break it down into pieces, or components we will call them. There are 4 key components to any track, or song. You have soundsets, which are nothing more than beats, sounds, scratches, etc. You have loopsets, which are your soundsets when put together in a loop. You have instrumentals, which are completed tracks with no voice or lyrics. Finally, you have completed tracks, which are basically just instrumentals that include lyrics.

When you look at music from this angle, broken down into components, you will start to see many ways to make money with your own. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this report, people are not only paying for completed tracks, they are also paying for the components individually. If you can create you own, good components, people will buy them.

Again, search the Internet for these components. Doing so will not only show you how much you can sell your components for, but also where you can sell them. As long as people are listening to music, there will always be a demand for it, and I can't see people stopping anytime soon. If you are interested in learning how to make money with your own beats in more detail, I recommend you check out Bob Bakers website (see "about the author" at the bottom of this article). Bob Baker is a writer, indie musician and former music magazine editor who is dedicated to showing musicians of all kinds how to get exposure, connect with fans, sell more CDs and increase their incomes through their artistic passions. He is also the author of the Guerilla Music Marketing Handbook, as seen in the major motion picture The School of Rock ... and in VIBE, Music Connection, Electronic Musician and American Songwriter magazines. This is the guy you should listen to. Here are some of the things you will find at his website...

- 197 Promotion Tips, Tricks, and Resources for Independent Musicians.
- 101 places to submit press releases, get reviewed, uncover PR connections and promote your music on the Internet. Supplies the exact website and email addresses for submitting your music news.
- The 29 most important elements in creating sizzling music publicity materials. Make sure your media kit gets noticed by editors, writers, booking agents, program directors, and other industry people.
- 50 ways to promote and sell your music on the Internet.
- And more, including his coveted Guerilla Music Marketing Handbook.

About the Author:

Picking The Best Home Theater Room

By Brigitte Jacobson

It is a fact, watching movies is a neat escape from the stressful lifestyle we live in. Watching movies with a wide screen and multichannel surround sound take you a long way away and into the motion picture you are seeing. You see it as if you were there in the scene. Lately, we are able to only experience this get away in a movie house.

On the other hand, today's technology may be able to supply this same sight and sound experience in your own living room space. We're going to talk about the basic parts of a home theatre system below. Please read on to understand how these basic pieces can provide the best cinematic experience to a home theater system.

Home theater experts state that the most important consideration in putting together a home theatre system is the size of the room in which you will set up the home theater system. The most important component of the home theater system, which is the television, depends on the size of the room. Though, the recommendation is 28 inches television set at the very least is essential for your home theater. It's also a professional recommendation that a flat television is good for a home theater system because it exhibits less glare and produces a crisper picture.

One more main part of a house theater system that depends on the size of the area is the speaker. The quantity of speakers for your home entertainment system is dependent on the size of the room. You could possibly add up to six speakers from the basic three speakers if you want a more realistic sound. Adding a subwoofer may also be good to achieve a complete surround sound like in the movie cinemas. 3 speakers ought to be the bare minimum; you may go up to six if the room is big.

One other major thing for your home entertainment system is the Dvd and Blu-ray player. It is a suggestion that DVD players with progressive scan could be the best choice. The reason being progressive scan produces sharp and flicker free pictures. Nevertheless this points back to the option of television; you might need to see if the flat tv set supports progressive scan signals. It's also possible to buy a five disk carrousel DVD player. This will likely avoid having to stand up from your seat to change discs every so often.

A little consideration is the power rating that will determine how high in volume your speaker may be. Naturally, almost all these depend on the size of the area to in which the home theater system will probably be setup. Little areas require fewer kinds of equipment, larger areas may require more and adding home entertainment furniture to your home theater may be best. A bigger space thus requires more money. A smaller space might require less money for the home theater system.

Last but not least, you might acquire a beautifully designed home theater system if you consider employing a home theater professional. If you can afford this, it will be best for you because the home theater specialist will be able to effectively design and set up your home theater system.

You bet, your home theatre designer could also add some functions like home theater seating along with other home theater furniture in order to provide the complete home cinema package which closely looks like a real cinema. Having the best and top quality home theater system will give you the most desired set up you could show off and enjoy to everybody.

About the Author:

Best Exclusive Beats

By Matthew Tregre

To do this, you will need a few things. First you will need recording studio software. Recording studio software is nothing more than a program that allows you to mix beats, melodies, chords, samples and loops to make your own customized instrumentals and tracks. They also allow you to record yourself as you sing or rap to your track and to make a copy of your tracks to cd.

You can find this type of software all over the Internet. Just do a search for "make your own beats" or "recording studio software". As you search, you will notice that on average, this type of software will run you between $50 and $200. Don't Buy Them (you'll see why shortly)! Now you're going to need beats, melodies, chords, samples, and loops to customize with your recording studio software, aka: soundsets and loopsets. Again, just do a search for "beats" or "loops". They usually come in packages of about 200 soundsets for $30 and 300 loopsets for $60, or 600 soundsets for $75 and 900 loopsets for $150. Don't Buy Them Either!

Alright, so at the minimum, $140 gets you the low-end studio software, 200 soundsets, and 300 loopsets... or if you want a little better quality studio software and more soundsets and loopsets, you can spend about $425 for high-end studio software, 600 soundsets, and 900 loopsets. That's everything you need to make your own beats, instrumentals, samples, loops, tracks, and complete demo cd's. But why did I say Don't Buy Them?

Because you can get it all, the studio software and over 1,100 soundsets and loopsets for under 30 bucks with Hip Hop Starz Record Producer and Mixer Studio (see "about the author" at the bottom of this article). This is an unheard of price for everything you need, and it is of such good quality, I have dedicated an entire page of my Snoop Dogg website to it. It is loaded with many features you will find on the high-end software selling for $100 or more. Also, they are currently holding a Win A Record Contract Contest with Doug E Fresh. Use the software and enter to win!

So now you know how to make your own beats, instrumentals, samples, loops, tracks, and even complete demo cd's, and this brings us to our next part...There are many, many ways to make money with your own music. The first thing you need to do, though, is break it down into pieces, or components we will call them.

There are 4 key components to any track, or song. You have soundsets, which are nothing more than beats, sounds, scratches, etc. You have loopsets, which are your soundsets when put together in a loop. You have instrumentals, which are completed tracks with no voice or lyrics. Finally, you have completed tracks, which are basically just instrumentals that include lyrics.

When you look at music from this angle, broken down into components, you will start to see many ways to make money with your own. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this report, people are not only paying for completed tracks, they are also paying for the components individually. If you can create you own, good components, people will buy them.

Again, search the Internet for these components. Doing so will not only show you how much you can sell your components for, but also where you can sell them. As long as people are listening to music, there will always be a demand for it, and I can't see people stopping anytime soon.

About the Author:

Make Your Own Beats For Free Fast

By Erik Mendoza

Binaural bests were first discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. However, Dove didn't realise the full potential of this technology, he merely observed that it occurred. It was another 134 years before Gerald Oster penned an article called "Auditory Beats in the Brain" which was published in Scientific American in 1973.

It was proposed that a binaural beat occurs in the brain if you apply slightly different frequency sine waves independently but simultaneously to each ear. This beat affect is created by the brain itself and is largely due to the structure of the brain's internal wiring.

These binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses, originating in the superior olivary nucleus of each hemisphere of the brain due to the interaction of the two different impulses.The frequency of the two tones is between one and 30 Hz. Lets take the example that the difference between the two tones is 10 Hz. This 10 Hz difference is experienced within the superior olivary nuclei as a beat . The brain has a tendency, through the frequency following response, to resonate at the same frequency as the auditory stimuli being presented. In our example this would be 10 Hz, which is that frequency of the Alpha state. If we offer a binaural frequency of 5 Hz, the brain will begin to resonate with that and produce Theta brainwaves. If we present a binaural beat of 3 Hz, Delta brainwaves are detected. Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves are connected to altered states of consciousness that can be used to reprogram the subconscious mind, eliminate negative thought schemas and release emotional connection to memories.

In layman's terms all this means is that you can relax, put on some stereo headphones and let your mind synchronize with the binaural beat frequency to create real measurable changes in your mind and body.

There are immediate benefits of using these beats such as the creation of relaxed states, aided sleep or even energy boosts. However, this is not the limit of binaural beat technology. It is also possible to produce very unusual states of consciousness like lucid dreaming, creativity, out-of-body experiences, and transcendental meditation, to name but a few. However, there are also very real permanent benefits from using binaural beat technology. This technology has been used to create some very dramatic life changes.

The Monroe Institute have over forty years experience changing effects on states of consciousness with the use of binaural beats in their audio sound patterns, called Hemi-Sync. Centerpointe have conducted a lot of research into the use of binaural beats also. They created a program called Holosync which concentrates more on self improvement and achieving a higher level of conscious interaction, by creating desirable emotional, physical and environmental changes through a reduction in your anxiety threshold. They use their technology to reprogram your brain, remove old emotional thinking and negative emotional connection to long buried memories. You can even create your own affirmations later in their course to reprogram your beliefs.

These technologies can be expensive but the overall benefits of there use are immeasurable. However, there are cheap alternatives to both the above mentioned. Binaural beats in audio technology now come in affordable one CD sets. These can be used to instantly create a variety of different states such as sleep, meditation, creativity, lucid dreaming etc. You can also get your hands on software to create your own binaural beats but I believe, when dealing with brain entrainment, this should be left to those with more experience. The technology is fascinating and it works but you really won't know that until you try it yourself.

About the Author:

An Easel Stand for Anything Imaginable!

By Kylie Scott

The easel stand is one of the most versatile yet overlooked display items available. In the home, the office, at a trade show or in the showroom, you can find innumerable uses for these decorative and functional stands. There are so many styles and sizes to choose from, you can easily find the one that is perfect for your needs.

Have you ever noticed how your favorite painting looks stale after hanging in the same spot on the wall for years? After awhile, you don't even notice it. Take it down from the wall and place it on an easel stand and you will love it again.

There is no better way to display a fine piece of china than on a easel. Placed in a prominent position on a shelf or mantel, it will be admired by everyone who passes. Is there a better way to present your best china if you own a specialty shop or boutique?

Have you ever noticed how eye-catching an open book displayed on a floor stand is? Bookstore owners know that if they display a particular large format, illustrated book on a floor stand, sales of that title increase exponentially. In the home, instead of having your favorite art book take up space on the coffee table, display it in a decorative floor stand.

Have you ever noticed how a poster on an easel stands out in an office reception area, while one mounted on the wall seems to get lost? An easel stand is the best way to promote your product inside the office. Whether it is a poster for a brand name you represent or an informational poster, it will get the attention it deserves if it is on a stand.

Are you looking for something to make your product stand out from the rest at a trade show? The easel stand is the proven means of promotion. The beauty of them is in their variety, portability and versatility. A large stand outside the premises will draw attention to your brand before customers even enter the show. Another one at your booth will show them where you are. Smaller versions can be used in many ways to display goods or hold promotional material.

There is not a single business that can't find a good use for an easel stand. If there is anything that can be displayed on one, it should be displayed on one. Books, flyers, promotional posters - anything at all that needs to be seen will be seen on a stand, while it will be overlooked if it is lying flat. Not to be overlooked, either, is the fact that they can be folded or collapsed, making them easy to move or store away when not in use.

You are bound to be able to think of dozens of ways you could use an easel stand. There are so many ways they can be used, any list will always be incomplete. Whether you want to display something as small as a business card or as large as a prominent poster, you can find one that will be perfect.

About the Author:


The INDOSOFT - Superb Digital Camera Supplier Online

By Rahul Talwar

Technology is on its total boom and we can say that we are within the age of technology where all the things surrounding us are the gifts of this skill which have almost change the human life requirements completely. A number of individuals always like to visit some imaginable places with their most beloved ones and if suppose they will be available with all the old memories of such visits in future then, it will be the real wonder for them. So, to make this dream possible in real, technology invented camera which can capture the photographs together with the real expression so one can easily become involved in the past together with them in future.

As the day progressed, technology also will get some revolutionary changes in it and now these cameras are converted into the Digital Camera which has some much better image quality and pixels than the earlier one. Lots of suppliers are present all over for these Digital Camera but, Digital Camera online purchase is essentially the most suitable solutions for the people.

This Digital Camera is nothing but they're the image capturing device by which optical images gets transformed into the digital images with one of the best assistance of some digital imaging gadget in it. Lots of gadgets are widely in use for the very same purpose but the CCD image sensor is considered more suitable. Often, it records the image in the data format and afterward, it saves it into the storage memory in image format.

A lot of Digital Camera suppliersare present all over and in addition on the internet but the most trusted producer of this very same product are the INDOSOFT solutions which give some basic merchandise for home usage and also for business. They may also be termed as the Digital Camera on-line provider as they are also manipulating their main business via internet and have their well renowned there as well with the help of which people can simply select their best category just according to their choice and budget.

So, it's greatly suggested that the individuals those that are greatly thinking about some best quality Digital Camera purchase then, they don't need tot come directly on the shops or in some showroom but, they'll also book their most requisite product directly on the website of this very particular Digital Camera on-line provider with the assistance of just basic info that needs to be submit there like name, address and profession. This Digital Camera is greatly dedicated for the manufacturing of the safety and observation products. These are having their great industrial as well as domestic applications therefore; this makes this device more universally popular. This INDOSOFT solution has so many objectives for the career prospects but, the main aim of this Digital Camera on-line supplier is to deliver the very best quality and customised solutions for all of the system utilities. So many corporations like small enterprise, large enterprise, or middle sized firm that are greatly associated with this Digital Camera on-lineprovider to the greater extent.

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How The Best Custom Photo Albums Coould Explode Your Photo Business

By Alice Cummings

You've created just gorgeous shots. You've captured gorgeous moments that will simply leave your clients breathless. It's now time to have a rather frank discussion about your business away from the camera. It's time to enable your clients to get those shots into custom photo albums.

You want to make 100% sure that your final photos end up in the most perfect albums. This is the best way for your work to get you more work as it thrills your clients at the very same time.

Once the proofs have been selected, isn't that the perfect time to approach your clients with the top custom photo album options? Doesn't that complete the loop perfectly?

Collages.net was formed in 1999 to enable photographers to sell images online in a variety of different ways. And the selection of custom photo albums at Collages will have you understanding the potential for more exposure for your business the moment you see them.

And get ready to see a variety of wonderful options on those custom photo albums like cover options that make every cover unique, lay flat pages that feature the smallest page break in the business and, of course 100% customization including album design solutions.

You know that these are the kinds of options that are being asked for daily.

You know how competitive photography has become as a business. You therefor need to stay on the lookout for the smartest new ways to monetize. You want to hear people ask "which photographer did these?" "Can I afford something this beautiful" will be music to your new business ears. Oh, and please don't overlook the fact that at Collages.net, you will experience a level of customer support you may never have before. Passionate, energetic teams are there to answer any photography question imaginable...and it's infectious! They just eat, drink and sleep photography.

What I hope is that you now understand that in addition to the wonderful custom photo albums you now have access to at Collages, there is a lot more just waiting for you there!

About the Author:

Simple Stunning Flush Mounted Wedding Albums

By Kevin Browne

As you're probably well aware, brides today want every imaginable option when it comes to their final albums. That's exactly why you need to make sure that you have flush mounted wedding albums in your list of offerings.

And no, I am not talking about the ordinary flush mounted options...I want to confine this discussion to talking about the best albums out there.

So you'd better make sure that the wedding albums you are showing off feature a lightning quick turnaround of under two weeks, a 30% discount on studio sample albums, more than 20 cover color options,drop dead gorgeous lay flat properties and the smallest page seams in the industry, as well as square, panoramic, and rectangular album sizes and many others. (Including handcrafted leather covers and photographic covers.)

You read that right...and you need to make sure you've got all of those options covered.

And easily the top way for you to make this happen is to partner with the best photography products and services providers. Collages.net has been focused on one goal and one goal only...increasing the exposure of professional photographers. Here is a company that grows as it helps photographers grow. What a perfect business model.

And while we all know that the value of your images is what sets you apart, what sets your business apart is the depths of products and services that you are able to offer your clients...especially your wedding clients.

You are now one mouse click away from gorgeous flush mounted wedding albums as well as HUNDREDS of other products and services that can seriously expand your business.

But one of the features that most photographers love most about this company is the amazing professional customer support teams they have assembled.

If making 2011 your break out year, head over to Collages.net to see why so many thousands of professional photographers love their flush mounted wedding albums...and everything else they offer.

Good luck.

I mean that!

About the Author:

Learn Bass Guitar Revealed

By Joe Rosales

Picking out my very first bass guitar was an exciting event. It is the first instrument I have ever purchased that I plan on learning how to play. Why not learn guitar first? Well, I have a love for the bass and not only that, I have been told on many occasions that is is easier to learn than the guitar.With all of the excitement of my purchase, I decided to make sure I have all of the essentials needed for my new bass. Below covers several accessories that you may want to include if you are looking to purchase a new bass guitar as well.

The first thing you will want to do is protect your new investment. This requires a sturdy bass guitar case. Cases come in various styles and materials. The lower-end cases are very thin and don't offer much protection if you plan on toting your bass around town. There are sturdier cases which are molded and padded on the inside. These cases have a hard shell and the padding keeps the bass secure. I'd highly recommend a molded case if you will be doing a lot of traveling.

Bass guitar strings are relatively sturdy but it doesn't hurt to keep some spare strings handy. There are several types of bass strings available to include flatwound, roundwound, and groundwound.

Depending on the bass you purchase, it may already come with a strap included.Of course there are various types of straps to choose from as well. The most popular guitar straps are usually made of leather or suede. Many are often woven and come in a variety of colors to suit your tastes. If you're not into the fancy straps, you can always choose between vinyl and polyester.

Out of all of the accessories you can have for your bass, the pick comes in more styles than anything else. You can choose from hundreds of colors as well as the thickness of the pick. Having multiple guitar picks always comes in handy.

Keeping your bass in tune is a must and there are various types of guitar tuners available on the market. They all range in price from lower end tuners at $10 up to high-end versions that go for $100 or more. If you're a beginner, it's probably safe to stick to a low-end model until you become better at playing the bass.

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There is an Easel Stand for Everything!

By Kylie Scott

Whether you are looking for the perfect display stand for your business, your home or your corporate presentation, the easel stand is the perfect choice. Many people don't realize what a wide range of sizes and styles of easels are available on the market today. Those who do have found innumerable uses for these versatile and attractive stands.

In the home, your favorite poster or painting eventually loses its impact when it hangs in the same place on the wall for a long time. When displayed on an easel, though, it always takes pride of place.

Do you have a piece of fine antique or collectible china? Display it in style on a stand on your mantelpiece. If you have a souvenir shop or kitchen and dining ware boutique, there is simply no better way to put your finest goods on display.

If you are a book lover or bookstore owner, there couldn't be a more perfect way to show off your best large format illustrated book or books than on a stand. The beauty of displaying opened books this way is that simply by changing the page, you can instantly freshen your display. All experienced booksellers know that books featured on stands sell faster than others.

Displaying a product poster on an easel stand in your office reception area is the best way to draw attention to it. It is a far more effective way of promoting a product or service than a poster hung on the wall. Customers always notice a presentation on a stand, but rarely take a second glance at a poster on the wall.

The easel stand is indispensable at a trade show. This has been proven time and time again. The great thing about these stands is that they not only are the best way to display items, they are also extremely portable. Any good trade show display will include large floor stands, medium sized table stands and small counter stands for holding promotional materials.

If you are looking for something that is easily transportable, versatile and attention grabbing, then look no further than the easel stand. Anything that might otherwise be displayed flat on a counter, propped against a wall on a shelf or hung on a wall will be far more noticeable if it is presented on a stand.

You are bound to be able to think of dozens of ways you could use an easel stand. There are so many ways they can be used, any list will always be incomplete. Whether you want to display something as small as a business card or as large as a prominent poster, you can find one that will be perfect.

About the Author:

Learn Guitar Scales : The Exotic Phrygian Mode For Mystical Soloing

By Nick Dillon

When you are learning to play the guitar it's important to learn guitar scales in order to advance your playing. You don't want to be stuck in the blues box forever, nor do you want to just play it by ear. Understanding music theory deepens your ability to play solos and compose music. When you learn guitar scales, you learn some of the most important aspects of music theory. And, when you learn guitar scales, you want to learn modes, too. One of these modes is the Phrygian Mode.

In simple terms, the Phrygian Mode is played by taking the notes of a key and making the first note and the last note played both the third note in that key's scale. So, let's say that you're playing a song in the key of C. To play a solo using the Phrygian Mode, you would start and end the solo on the E note. This does not have to be th exact same E-note; that is, you can start the solo with a low-E note and end the solo on an E-note two octaves higher, if you prefer.

As your guitar playing progresses with practice, you'll want to have an understanding of the Phrygian Mode's intervals because that gives you a more profound understanding of the notes that together create the Phrygian Mode. In music, the greater your technical understanding the more creative you can become.

The Phrygian Mode intervallically goes like this Root, flatted 2nd , flatted 3rd ,4th ,5th , flatted 6th , flatted 7th . So to play B Phrygian, you would use B-C-D-E-F-G-A-B'. Notice that B Phrygian Mode is actually in the key of G. Thus you are playing the G major scale, however you're emphasizing the individual notes in a way that kind of disguises this fact.

The Phrygian Mode is used to give an "Egyptian" or Middle Eastern feel to a solo, lead break, etc. It is a favorite mode of "Neo-classical rock" guitar players and advanced instrumental hard rock guitar players like Steve Vai and Joe Satriani.

Because of the fact that the intervals used in the Phrygian Mode result in the inclusion of several flatted notes, this mode has an exotic, mystical sound, as if you're conjuring up a magical underground river than nobody sees but all feel. If you are interested in playing some complex rock guitar based music, this is a mode for you. It is great to use to do an acoustic guitar lead or solo, too.

Learn guitar scales to take your guitar playing to a whole new level. Add even more dimensions by learning the Phrygian Mode.

About the Author:

Learn Guitar Scales To Increase Musicianship

By Jonathan Hart

Guitar solos appear in many kinds of music. Classical, jazz, folk, blues, and rock music all feature solo guitar performances. Sometimes these are recreations of previously conceived musical phrases, and sometimes they are improvised. Regardless of what you prefer, performing either of these types of solos is made easier after you learn guitar scales.

Some guitarists learn to play musical phrases from memory or sight reading, the process of playing written music the first time one sees it. Many kinds of musicians may have the ability to sight read without gaining an understanding of how the phrases they play relate to one another. This makes it hard for them to create original music.

Many people want to experience the act of creation through composition or improvisation. Acquiring knowledge of the scales is the first step in doing this. Playing, transposing and substituting scales allows one to gain insight into how Western music works.

It is really very easy to get started on this with the guitar. For example, one can learn to play a major scale using a finger pattern that can be played at any position on the neck. There are several ways to do this, and one should learn more than one. Some patterns may be more comfortable to you depending the shape of your hand and fingers.

Playing the pattern at different positions on the neck transposes to every other major key. The relative minor key to each major can also be played using the same pattern by simply starting on a different note. Once one has learned to play several patterns and transpose to major and minor keys, it is easy to learn to play different musical styles. The pentatonic scale, for example, is simply a subset of the notes from the major scale. This pattern is used a lot in blues, rock and jazz.

As one experiments with patterns and songs, the musical ear begins to develop a relationship with the fingers. One can then express musical ideas more easily. This facilitates the processes of composition and improvisation.

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Turning Your Computer Into A Virtual Studio Through DUB Turbo Software

By Lyle Y. Moeller

There may be times where you have felt like you can't meet your dreams because you have no money to make a studio. That is a sad thing, but there are ways around it.

Whenever someone has a dream of becoming a producer, they need to keep it alive because truth is they can now be able to show it to the world with the available resources. There is software called DUB Turbo and it's the solution. You can be able to create tracks and turn your computer into a virtual studio.

You may ask yourself why you have to use DUB Turbo but all you need to know is that it's a very effective way and can work on any computer, whether it is a PC or Mac. Its compatible with both of those operating systems and you can utilize all its high quality abilities if your computer can handle it.

There training videos that are provided can be able to play on any player and they not only teach you the basic skills but also use your potential to make you a professional.

As you are producing your music, you can also check out the provided material to check out any tips of marketing. Getting your customers will always depend on how much quality your sounds carry. This means you should be professional.

With this product you do not have to worry about having to have other different programs before you can put it to good use. It can succeed on its own. All the necessary tools are already included in the product and all you have to do is to use the product right away after installing it.

You will most definitely get excited by the bonus kits that come with the product. Some of them include training videos, and other additional instruments. All these are given free of charge and are also royalty free.

This package will offer you easy editing capabilities and this is what you require the moment you find trouble editing. DUB Turbo will make software editing easy for you.

About the Author:

Why Use Modern Slide Scanning Services

By Jennifer Hoskins

Maintaining the traditional 35mm slides that were made years and even decades ago is a big ordeal for anybody. Most of those old slides of yours are probably lying in the attic inside boxes gathering dust. Maybe you don't open them up for fear of damaging them. However, modern slide scanning services are your best bet for saving those slides and maybe even making them better than before.

When you hand your slides over to a scanning service, it is scanned and stored in one of the digital formats. Once this is done, they can be stored anywhere digitally. That can be on your PC or Mac or even thumb drives, where they will be safe and never deteriorate. Scanning technology has come a long way over the past few years and especially over the past 10 years.

Scanned slides can be stored in any one of the numerous digital formats by the slide scanning services such as JPEG, PNG, BMP etc. all these formats differ somewhat in their quality and resolutions. Slides scanned and converted into the JPEG format are very small in size. They are ideal if you have thousands of slides to be scanned. Keep in mind though, that the quality of picture may not be the best, although it is perfectly acceptable.

The PNG is an uncompressed image file format which preserves the quality of your slide and reproduces exactly the same image. If you want to archive photos on to a large hard disk, this is the better choice. That is because the PNG files occupy a large amount of space as compared to the other formats. This shouldn't be a problem since Terabyte storage disks are much cheaper these days.

If you have decided to finally scan those slides of yours, you just need to do some preparation. The first job would be to group the slides into neat categories so that they are easy to scan and store in their own folders. Secondly, make sure that the slides are as clean as possible. Old slides that have been stored away for years may have gathered a lot of dust and may have attracted some stains.

If you find that some slides cannot be cleaned completely, don't worry just yet. Today, there is a wide variety of photo editing software available on the internet. Using these, you can manipulate photos as to hide the dirty specs and make your photos look clean. Some of the more popular image editing programs includes Adobe's Photoshop and Corel's Paint Shop Pro. You can also try the free GIMP.

One of the thoughts that might cross your mind is why not scan all those slides at home rather than spending on professional slide scanning services? If you only have a few photos and just want to carry them on your smart phone and don't need high quality, using your home scanner is a very practical choice.

However, scanning services usually have high end, professional grade scanners. Moreover, if you have hundreds of slides, it is very time consuming and expensive to do the job at home. Hiring these services becomes the wiser choice in that case.

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Wedding day Photos Guidelines

By Jim Johnson

No matter whether as a skilled digital photographer venturing to a buddy or family's wedding and reception or as a friend who happened to have a digital camera, the chances are you may probably end up with the challenge of recording part of the happenings of the happy couple's wedding.

Through chance or state of affairs, count yourself blessed and honored to take part in this sort of an really important milestone. Weddings tend to be a romantic occasion all-around even if it may have its interesting and quirky experiences. Therefore, be very careful where you point your camera during the marriage ceremony itself and the wedding reception that follows. Blending in together with the day is precisely what professional photographers must do. You should be as unseen as you can when capturing snap shots so as to be mindful not to bring the attention and steer it away from the husband and wife and also their attendees.

Think about your own role seriously but do not over do it

By simply definition, you happen to be a guest wedding day photographer, hence you are not the primary marriage ceremony photographer. It will be the key wedding ceremony photographer's most important obligation to record the entire event. He or she is the head of the pack, so this individual may get the first bite. Rather than competing with him or her, try to view your self as his accomplice.

Enhance, don't rival, his or her labor with your own. While he's out and about taking photos of the bride and groom's very first kiss, get out and seize photographs of the teary-eyed relations looking at them. Strive to step outside of his job circle and check for different individuals he or she may not be in a position to find. This way, much more quality work is executed and less redundancy, not to point out elbow wars are prevented.

Move around

Sure, socializing is the ideal technique to being able to notice fine details which the wedding photographer may have overlooked. The main photographer will possibly be rather busy focusing on the bride and groom's each and every action. Invitees, even if they are a part of the entourage or are actually dear acquaintances, will probably have to accept a close second.

And so, move throughout. Mingle with people. Get genuine photographs. Test various perspectives. And vary subjects from the friends at the buffet table to the bridesmaids grooving. The couple will surely value precisely what went on during their own wedding ceremony after they've come out of their own magic and have the free time to look at all those images.

Although the actual marriage ceremony was intimate and enchanting, the wedding reception can become a time to let wild and draw out rowdy cheers. Capture some of those occasions. Attempt to shoot every single table even if the new bride and bridegroom aren't near.

You should be Highly discreet

Again, attempt to respect the new bride and groom's wedding day by not taking the focus away from them or distracting these people from much more significant matters. Don appropriate attire for the affair. You'd prefer something that can blend in with the couple's theme and attire codes. Examine beforehand exactly what this may be and balance this with a level of comfort and looseness to allow you a bit more room to adopt complex perspectives.

Do not ever use flash in the course of the wedding ritual itself. Even if the room provides poor lighting, try to compensate this by using very high ISO.

And finally, strive not to be too invasive of the new couple's most private of memories. Don't tag alongside any time they inconspicuously continue out of the celebration location and onto their own honeymoon. They would probably want to be on their own during these memories. A photograph of it may possibly be more daunting than rewarding in the long run

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Wedding Album Designers...Some Are Simply Amazing!

By Kevin Browne

As someone who knows the ins and outs of photography very well, you already know the importance of that final wedding album that you hand to the new bride. That's why having access to wedding album designers is such a must! NO exceptions...ever.

The harsh reality of competition in the wedding photography game is this, if you are not offering these premium services to that new bride, she is headed to the web to find a professional that can and will.

So why not make this your break out year by partnering with the very talented design teams at Collages.net?

For the past 12 years Collages has become an integral part of the arsenal of professional photographers who have always wanted to be able to offer the best products and services to their clients.

This is one of those win/win situations as Collages does better only as it help photographers sell.

Realizing the importance of the final product, Collages has professional wedding album designers in house to handle even the most complicated designs and layouts.

But the news gets even better as the wedding album design services is just one of hundreds of amazing revenue streams that Collages wants to offer you. Yes, it really is a company that has a wealth of potential revenue streams just waiting for you to find them.

And if that weren't reason enough, Collages then went out and put together the most talented and passionate groups of professional support teams together. Good luck finding a more passionate group constantly looking to find the best photography solutions.

This is an incredible opportunity for you to stay behind the camera more by relying on the products and services that solidifies your business model.

You had better believe that this is a fabulous opportunity for you to expand your business by partnering with a great photography solutions provider.

And what a great day for you to find so many new ways to move your photography business up.

About the Author:

The Wedding Photograph Albums That Could Change Everything

By Kevin Browne

Who is up for a spirited discussion about weddings?

Ask any bride what is one of the biggest things that will emerge from her big day and be ready to hear about her need to get one of the wedding photograph albums.

And because these albums will be pulled out and enjoyed for DECADES, much attention is given to them and for very good reason.

And realizing that brides can be, finicky, what was needed was an online solution for enabling the new couple and their families to be able to create the perfect wedding photograph albums.

And no matter how finicky the tastes are of all involved Collages.net has an extensive collection of options. In fact, the number of new options in the wedding album category simply keep evolving as tastes and styles do.

From 100% customization to flush mounting, to color choices that match every wedding theme, even to how flat the pages in the album lay, Collages has created amazing, consistent solutions.

Perhaps that's why so many new couples have chosen Collages.net since 1999. It is the innovative products and services from Collages that has those photographers coming back day after day. Yes, every day.

And for the most finicky brides and new couples, there are amazing wedding album design options that she can fully control.

Want even more news? Good, because these beautiful wedding photograph albums are just the beginning of what's possible for your business at Collages. And with staff brimming with energy and new solutions, there isn't one that Collages will ever overlook. (Speaking of the teams of experts at Collages, make sure if you ever have a question or a concern to call them.)

The level of enthusiasm and knowledge you are about to experience is amazing. Don't worry if you are startled by them the first time you call.

For all your wedding photograph albums needs, no matter how big or how small, you need to see the breadth of solutions found only at Collages.net. For so many wonderful reasons.

About the Author:

A Beat Machine Online Can Help Anyone To Make Awesome Beats.

By Ralph Terry

In case you choose to use a beat machine online then you should know that this is among the greatest ways of starting your music profession as a musician. These programs are effortless to use and, should you have the required abilities, you'll be able to take pleasure in their advantages and effortlessly make some great tunes. The only thing you'll need is your favorite internet browser you've been making use of and you won't require any more set up for the equipment to operate. It genuinely doesn't get any simpler.

You must download the necessary software program that can make it doable for the Computer to create quality music.. The great news is that some of these are truly free so there ought to be no use for a credit card account. Nevertheless, you do have to search the net thoroughly for the best music-making software. This is also applicable to one who is searching for a beat machine online. With the numerous software developers who created their beat machines on-line, you would should check each one of these for the quality and performance you require. It's not whether or not that the beat machine is free or paid; what matters most is the fact that it suits your requirements.

The next step would be to ensure that the product you decide on provides one with the possibility of saving your own tunes in the .wav format. By way of this you'll be able to be sure that ones music has the very best sound quality. Other extensions, for example .mp3, aren't as professional as .wav. It is simple for a person to hear the distinction between the two if you try it your self. Simply listen to 1 version and then the other and the difference will surprise you. Even in the event you have questions about this it is worth attempting.

If you have completed your analysis and picked out a product that you think fits you all you've got to undertake is to examine the instructions that come with the software package you're considering thoroughly to comprehend the power and also full potential available. After that you will know the way to get along alone and create original songs immediately.

Finally, being attentive to the beats of other artists is not a bad thing to do. It may possibly provide you with some great ideas. Even so, try not to just duplicate their songs. You want to have the ability to produce your personal tracks artistically not become involved in copywrite law. Even though by plagiarizing it is possible to be punished in one way or another, particularly because of the copyright laws and regulations, listening to other tunes may also encourage and help develop ones individual ideas and help to make these sound much better. What exactly is much more important is basically that you enjoy what you are performing, otherwise it could well be pointless to attempt. Everyone can make their very own beats having a top quality beat machine online. So try one right now. You will be astonished at the outcomes.

About the Author:

How To:Watch Tele Online

By Adrian Swieboda

Think about the channels you like to watch at most. Does any of them belong to public television? No, it doesn't, right? Why is that? What has happened to public television what made it so unpleasant to watch? In point of fact, the reasons are numerous and the main one depends mostly on the country we're watching the TV from. In a few countries, television is being manipulated by the government.

Politics decide what is going to be presented. Usually - only the thing they'd like to watch. Things that agree with their vision of world, country, and politic. As a consequence, public television becomes monotonic in the most unacceptable way. If you didn't follow the president, why would you be constrained on listening how wonderful he is? Political manipulation is the first argument why people decide to watch tele online instead of traditional, public TV.

What else should be mentioned?
The two most annoying things in television are politics and commercials and - honestly - it's difficult to state which ones are worse. Unfortunately, they usually walk together. Once one politic finishes what he wanted to say, another one begins. Once they both finish, there's a great time for commercials. And so on and so forth. As for a usual TV watcher, it truly is annoying.

Unfortunately, once again there's nothing usual people could do to change the situation. Or... The option is to watch tele online. Among a few other possibilities, this one seems the most easily acceptable for the most populous group. Only the technophobes would have anything against.

However, it still is not the end of public television drawbacks. If the politics and commercials are not enough, the attention should be paid to the choice of channels. How many channels public television provides its watchers with? Three, four, maybe five? It depends on the country. Nevertheless, why should anyone remain constrained on these few channels only? To watch politically manipulated news services? To watch propagandist movies describing "the only true history"?

It's difficult to explain what has happened to public television. Unfortunately, the point is that it's not going to work any longer. As a consequence, no one should be surprised with the fact that so many people decide to watch tele online instead. With unrestrained access to channels from all over the world and better and better quality, internet television becomes the best source of TV as a whole.

'If it's good, it's never enough,' they used to say. However, probably they haven't mentioned television. Curiously, the popularity of today's TV made this relation actual even in case of television. Weird? Unexpected? Not. Just the way things used to go. Maybe it would be better for people to watch less TV, maybe it would be not. It all depends.

However, there are people who don't watch it at all, and also the people who don't do anything else. For all of them different types of television are being prepared so that everyone could choose something that suits him best. It doesn't matter if he prefers to watch tele online or through the satellite. The point is he has plenty of options to choose from what makes choosing truly problematic. Each of options could be good, nonetheless not for all. Which one to choose and when? Or - maybe - it would be better to choose all of them at once?

About the Author:

Make Your Own Beats For Free Today

By Matthew Tregre

The actual value of a beat or music is based on an underlying perception of its true value, perception being the keyword. Don't rip yourself off by buying a beat online for $500 if the producer has no credibility or his or her image and stature in the music industry doesn't give value to your demo or album sales. Look at what Brittany Spears did on her latest album, take note of the album credits and all the popular "Producer Powers" employed, essentially playing a major part in her attempt to revive her career.

The average rate on the Internet for a "Non-Exclusive" beat license is $0 - $75. With this type of license you are essentially leasing or renting the beat for a given amount of time or copies. The average for an "Exclusive" beat license is from around $75 - $250. This type of license gives you full ownership of the beat, as if you created it yourself. More popularly noted as "work for hire". Note: Some exclusive licenses may restrict resale.

To get the most for your money, and protect yourself from "beat-jackers" (people who steal other peoples beats and resell them) try to contact the producer first to see if he or she is responsive, email or PM seems to be the best method. Don't just buy beats from "Joe Blow" without making some kind of contact first. Trust me, real beat makers who are truly vested in their craft make themselves available and they'll be happy to hear from you (it builds their ego) and will more than likely work a deal out with you if you buy more than one beat from them. If a seller takes more than two days to respond, keep it moving. There are literally thousands of other producers who will stop at the drop of a hat to make a $20 sale in hopes of repeat business and a little recognition. Try starting off with producers that you see are already selling beats to others on the net or have their beats rated high or "Hot". Obviously they are doing something right and they are more than likely satisfying other beat buyers needs.

When you buy beats online, make sure there is some type of printable licensing agreement associated with the beat you buy. A licensing agreement/contract will explain the rights you have with the beats and the terms under which you may use the beat.

Cheap exclusive beats are the best deals to get but there are very few producers out there who are willing to sell you an exclusive beat from $20 to $40. Check out thebeattrader.com for some of those type deals. There are not a lot of producers on that site and understandably so, but the site became very popular for selling low priced exclusive beats a few years ago.

The next best thing is a low priced non-exclusive. Remember, the catch with non-exclusive beats is that the beat may have been sold several other times before you buy it, so if you are looking for fresh music, make a list of the producers you like on a site and watch their profiles. Good experienced online producers know to cycle out old beats and update their profiles with new beats at least every 2-3 days.

I'd say a fair price to pay for a non-exclusive beat is about $20. There is an abundant amount of producers selling beats online right now who would fight for your business. Online producers are almost a dime a dozen so it's really easy nowadays to get unique music for your mix-tape, demo, or album at and very affordable price.

For reference, BeatSwagger.com is one of the best sites to buy beats on. The site has very affordable beats, fast transactions and its easy to use. You basically click, buy, and download your beat instantly from a secured link sent to the e-mail address of your choosing. Plus, you can also instantly download a printable licensing agreement after you buy beats. The site prides itself in its more mature, seasoned music producers and beat makers. The majority of these producers are serious about selling beats and are easy to work with.

About the Author:

Music Maker Software Fast

By Matthew Tregre

The first recording principal came about through a Swiss watch maker in 1796 when he proposed the first musical box. Then came the phonograph in 1877 by Edison. He constructed a cylinder with soft material like led or tinfoil. A stylus drew grooves across this material and through the depth of the grooves and calculated air pressure the recording was determined.

In 1896 however, Valdemar Poulsen demonstrated magnetic recording. In this process of recording sound, a tape is kept moving under a recording head. The head transfers electronic signals corresponding to the sound on to the tape. The play back head then re reads these tapes and recognizes the signals hence playing them back.

Magnetic recordings were however not popular and were inefficient in the beginning. People preferred Phonograph to Magnetic records. For example, in 1932 the BBC used a tape recorder. It was a huge machine using steel tapes. The tape had to be rotated at the speed of 90 meters under the different head, which meant that a huge amount of tape was required. Approximately tapes as long as 3 Kilometers weighing 25 KG were used.

However as the time passed, tape recorders became better. With the help of the Germans, a working tape recorder was finally demonstrated in 1938. After this, multi track recording was introduced. Les Paul, helped in this field. In this form of recording, multiple tracks can be housed on one tape.

All the great things were not happenings only in the magnetic recording field. In 1927 the JAZZ singer astounded people by being one of the first movies to use sound techniques. From now on, the process of recording sound on optical film began in earnest. The Jazz singer had used a process known as the vidaphone.

It was now time for the digital recorders. Introduced in the late 1970's, these soon became popular. Soon, multi track recorders with stationary heads were being manufactured. The rotating head technology was used to record sound on to video tapes then in use. As time moved on, compact disks became more and more popular.

Using complex electronic techniques, these provided higher quality and far superior sound. Using Lazar for recording purposes, they were a new revolution displacing tape recorders and gramophones, which had come out in the 1960's.

However, the wheel moved and we had the MP3 player which allowed us to download and listen to hundreds of songs from one simple and tiny portable device. Today, ipods are the order of the day, allowing you to carry and listen to thousands of songs in your pocket where ever you are.

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The Basics Of A Waterproof Digital Camera

By Ian G Hollingsworth

The main advantage of a waterproof digital camera is that it can be used in or around wet locations. For example, the camera can be used in a swimming pool area or at the beach and remain functional when it is touched by wet hands. It can also keep taking pictures even when it is submerged in the water. These cameras also have the ability to capture photographs of water sports or underwater wildlife. They are able to take pictures of water activities such as swimming, water polo, scuba diving and surfing.

The typical depth a waterproof camera can reach while still remaining functional is usually three meters. Other cameras can take pictures in depths of water up to ten meters. In addition to their ability to keep working underwater, cameras are often equipped with other durable qualities. They can withstand being dropped, physically damaged and operate in extreme low or high temperatures.

The additional features enable a digital camera to be used for a wide range of uses. They can accompany several activities such as water sports, outdoor activities and extreme sports. There is a wide range of cameras that can operate in water available for purchase and it is advisable to thoroughly check the specifications for each one as they do not all provide these more robust features.

A user will find that a waterproof model offers almost all of the same photographic options as a non-waterproof camera. They operate on the same easy to use point and shoot method. They provide the standard zoom in and out controls and picture settings. The products are almost all equipped with an internal memory to store numerous photographs and a rechargeable battery.

Consumers will probably be most concerned about the quality of their photographs. On this issue, they should find out how many megapixels their chosen camera has. The more megapixels, the sharper and more stylized the picture quality. Consumers can also transfer their images to home computer or laptop by using the USB port usually located on the side of the product. The latest cameras offer may advanced new features including a touch-screen LCD display and the option to film High-Definition Movies underwater.

Those wanting to buy a digital camera should search the range of models available at their local camera store. They can also search the wide variety of online stores on the internet, remembering that they will normally have to pay for shipping and handling fees.

In terms of their size, the cameras are often small enough to fit in a pocket, which is also convenient if an individual is swimming while taking their photographs. Their case design is often especially stylish and colorful in order to stand out from the range of conventional cameras. The waterproof capability also means it can be washed with water to remove any sand or dirt.

Professional divers or diving enthusiasts may need to take photographs at considerably deep distances. The ten meter restriction on most cameras will need to be extended. These consumers may choose to buy a standard digital version with additional waterproof casing.

Anyone wanting to purchase a waterproof digital camera is advised to assess the range of specifications to find a model which suits their technical requirements and budget. There are a number of brands that manufacture cameras with a range of features available and at different price points.

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Easel Stands - Economical, Functional and Beautiful

By Kylie Scott

Whatever you need, be it an easel stand for whiteboard presentations or a decorative model for showing off your finest antique china, there will be one that will suit your needs to a "tee." Some styles are purpose-built and very cheap in price, but not in quality. Others are handcrafted or meticulously machined to serve a multitude of purposes.

Take for example the highly functional easel stand for use in the school or as a presentation aid. The most basic designs hold a whiteboard in a steady, upright position, giving the person giving the presentation or class an ideal illustrative tool. The humble whiteboard, in spite of all the technological gadgets available for making presentations, is still among the best public speaking aids you can get.

A more elaborate floor easel may be flippable vertically or rotatable horizontally. This kind of easel stand is ideal when a presentation requires one to refer back to previous information or to use one side of the board to display a promotional poster and the other to aid him in his presentation.

Easel stands are also noteworthy for their extreme portability. In a classroom setting, a coaster model can be easily shifted from one part of the classroom to the other or tucked into a corner when it's not needed. A whiteboard stand like this need not be fully collapsible, since in remains in one general area, but would not be appropriate when greater transportability was needed. There are other styles available for this.

A lightweight, collapsible stand is the ultimate solution for the traveling sales executive. Compact and feather weight bi-fold or tripod easels take up very little space in a vehicle and can be set up in a matter of seconds. Some of the more elaborate styles feature telescoping or folding legs. Both light in weight and sturdy in construction, they can go wherever they are needed at a moment's notice.

Variety and functionality are not limited to floor easels, either. There are any number of tabletop designs to choose from that are equally useful. Many of these, such as the lectern stand, are designed for specific purposes. Others are general purpose stands. They might be used to hold a whiteboard or a flow chart diagram for a business presentation. These slip easily into a briefcase, so can be available for use anywhere on a moment's notice.

Just as useful, but even more stylishly designed are the hundreds of styles of decorative easel stands. Whether they are used in the traditional manner to display artworks or in more innovative ways, such as the tripod wine rack, there is a decorative easel for anything.

The combination of utilitarian construction with an attractive design makes the ideal easel stand. An easel like this is not hard to find and is remarkably inexpensive.

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Freestyle Rap Battle Tips

By Daniel Akinson

Freestyle rap battle advice is hard to get by. As a ten year veteran fight rapper who wins about 80% of my battles, I determined to share about usable tips that have aided me live the battle rap circuit.

Concentrate on specifics. In General, the more particular your punchlines are, the harder they affect. Attempt and chooes things about your opponent that aren't directly evident. For example, I once combated a guy with an Oakland A's baseball cap. Quite than speak trash about the A's- which wouldn't be a great idea in Oakland- I began to list off hard words about him that get with the letter A, such as "arrogant, asinine, and atrocious" not to mention a a few others that don';t belong in print. This brings me to my following point...

Win the crowd. Most freestyle rap battle tournaments are based on audience vote. Even those that are decided by judges are still heavily influenced by the crowd. The lesson from this? You aren't there to beat a rapper; you're there to win the crowd. To do this, avoid saying stupid things aimed at the audience. If I had bagged on the A's the crowd would have turned on me, which is why I kept it specific without losing the crowd in my freestyle.

Be prepared. Anyone who's battled for a while knows the importance of scoping out the competition. If I'm in a room full of MC's, believe me, I watch every battle and try to come up with punchlines about each MC. Obviously, I spend more time focusing on the best ones, as there's a greater chance I'll battle them at some point! Having just a few minutes before going up on stage can help you come up with a few one liners that just may win the rap battle for you.

Display no mercy... most of the time. There is a very thin line in a freestyle rap fight between entertaining and abusive. Mostly, you can be as ruthless as you require provided it's entertaining. We all get it on someone who can suppose anything and get away with it; effort and be that guy when you're on degree. There are a a few times when laying off a topic will score you big points. For instance, MTV hosted a rap fight where one of the MC's was blind. The guy who battled him, Swan, poked fun at the guys small stature, his goofy clothes and weak style. He didn't take fun of the children blindness (except saying "I'm a take you outside and rob you blind"). If he had, he would have lost the crowd in a nanosecond. But he didn't and acquired the battle placed on virtue. A dope freestyler can rap about anything; he proven he could steer it away from the most obvious points.

With this freestyle rap battle advice you should be capable to mark high marks the following time your on level.

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