
Obtaining A Photo Box To Protect Wonderful Moments

By Georgia K. Williams

Despite growing up and having all the things that you can possibly dream of , one thing that you will hold close to your heart and treasure it always are the photographs of yourself and your family photos. These are the window to the beautiful magic world of relationships and memories that come flooding to you and you spend hours going through the photographs. Past history comes alive with photos in your hand. No digital photography can match with the magic of holding the photo and going back in time.

Just make sure that you have kept your old photos neatly stacked in the album and protected from moth or other worms. If they are stacked in a carton, better thing would be to remove them immediately and store them neatly so that they last you a long time.

When you have too many photos, then a photo box would be a better choice for you to stack all the photos and put them away. Buy a photo box from a photo shop so that you are able to get an authentic photo box that is made using chemically treated paper. These boxes are resistant to organisms and bacteria as well as pests. Besides they help keep moisture at bay and keep the photos safe.

The photo boxes are not ordinary boxes. The paper used inside is specially coated with chemicals so that they are able to protect the photos. The boxes are also made with reinforced edges to give them additional strength to withstand any type of pressure or weight above them and not buckle. The inside paper keeps the photos safe from discoloration or any bacterial organisms from invading the photos.

The boxes are built for stacking up to three high and they will not sack or buckle under the pressure. They can be stored anywhere in the attic or basement and will not attract moisture.

There is an art of stacking photos inside the carton. You can either bundle the photos neatly and individually stack them with separators or use the paper dividers that are available for this purpose. But segregating and labeling the groups of photos makes it easier for identification as well as retrieval. Make a list of all photos and paste the list on the inside lid of the box for easy viewing.

Besides paper photo boxes you also get more expensive leather as well as wooden photo boxes. All of your important photos like wedding photos etc can be safely preserved in these. They normally have provision for label display. Though more expensive they are worth it.

Why not think of gifting a leather photo box to your best friend on her wedding? You can gift this to your immediate family members too for they will surely cherish it. Makes a good ideal gift item.

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