
Which Should You Select, Songs or Albums?

By Susan Todd

Music has changed its way of delivery once it became popular online. This is a great thing if you're on the lookout for one particular song. You can often get just the one song for a low price and not need to buy the whole album which you may never listen to. Nevertheless if you buy an album, it is less expensive than purchasing all the songs individually.

When searching for wedding songs, is it best to buy individual songs or wedding albums? The advantage to an album is you get multiple songs that are customarily applicable for weddings. Take the "Time Life Wedding Songs" album for instance. You get 2 discs with 24 songs total. All but one of these songs is superb for weddings. (More about the one that doesn't belong in another post.) This is a great album with the tracks being sung by the original artists. If you want a pleasant variety of great wedding music, this is a good album to have.

The benefit to individual songs is you can buy exactly the tunes you would like. There won't be any extras. Nevertheless this will get pricey if you end up purchasing a large amount of songs to truly mull over the selection of the tunes you may use at the end. Another benefit to individual songs is you can find them performed by different artists. The wedding albums do not give you the choice of artists.

One necessary thing to be looking for is the artist singing the track. Many wedding albums are sung by a wedding cover band in place of the original artists. You may like this, or you may not. Always check this before making a purchase. Aside from this, many wedding songs have been recorded as instrumentals. This is great if you'd like to find an instrumental version, but again, you have to check the album to make sure you won't be shocked by your purchase.

Begin the process by listening to clips online of the tracks you are considering. Narrow down your selection and then either buy an album that has plenty of the tunes you like, or the individual songs. MP3's can be burned to a CD, so it should not be a problem to play them at your wedding using normal instruments.

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