
Has Pop Music Reached Its Peak

By Dean Smith

If a song becomes mainstream or popular, it is immediately labeled Pop Music. There seems to be very few requirements for songs to fall under that genre. All it has to do is be wildly successful in sales. The most common recipe for that are lyrics that many people can relate too and a sound that catches their full attention.

It first started in the 1920s when artists laid down tracks for the sole purpose of selling a lot of singles and albums. It borrows elements from other styles such as jazz, rock or country yet still manages to keep its mass appeal. The final product has a hint of the influence but the sound is distinctly pop. It is a genre that is from America and majority of the artists are American.

At the height of their careers, Michael Jackson and Madonna ruled the airwaves in the 1980s. A decade later, it was the era of groups as the likes of Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, NSYNC, Hanson, Destiny Child and the Spice Girls flooded the industry with their harmonious sound. The turn of the millennium was greeted loudly by teen stars such as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

Pop Culture and pop music are almost interchangeable. Even before new sound technology became standard, it was common for pop artists to take advantage of the newest and latest that the world of science could offer. The big switch from radio to video could not have happened so suddenly had they not supported the then upstart MTV channel.

Due to its commercial success, it makes sense that it continues to dominate the charts through the years. The melody, how it is packaged and presented, contributes to the variety of the fan base that it thrives off of. There is very little doubt that the trend will continue so long as its sales best that of the other categories.

The charts are the ultimate venue for competition between stars and company labels. It is where success is measured by the industry. Stores and radio stations send in their data to the publications for tallying. There are charts based on category, by location and by type of sales.

To get to know the top performers, sales from singles and albums, airplay and radio requests, and downloads were tallied. The results are usually published daily, weekly, monthly and there is another one at the end of the year. With such results, pop music continues its reign at the peak of the industry.

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