
How to Sing Better

By Pamela C Smith

Did you always want to learn how to sing better? Do you want to improve your singing because you are interested in a singing career or because you want to be a good karaoke singer? Whatever your reasons, there are a range of techniques that can help you to wonk on your singing skills. The techniques that we are going to talk about have helped many singers and most professionals and coaches vouch by them.

The primary aspect of good singing is a good posture. Standing straight and tall gives your speech organs like the lungs and diaphragm room to expand and it also makes you look confident.

If you want to get that floating voice quality like one of the acclaimed singers you will need to leave your body loose without any tensions inhibiting your movement. Relaxation techniques like yoga and tai chi can help you to overcome tensions.

When you are singing the position of your arms will also help you to reach the high notes and make you sound clearer and louder. When going for the high notes keep your hands away from your body and raise them slightly also raise your chin upwards. This will help you fill your lungs to the maximum capacity and sound better.

Similarly when you want to sing the lower notes move your arms closer to your body and tilt your chin downwards. However, you need to remember to not touch your chin to your chest as this will restrict the movement of air.

When singing, how good you sound entirely depends on how well you breathe so pushing your stomach out when inhaling and pulling them in while exhaling will help you to breathe well.

A relaxed voice box or larynx is a must for good singing. The larynx and the vibrations produced in it can easily be felt by placing your hand on your neck.

You will notice that even professional singers wear headphones when recording a song they do this so that they can hear themselves and sing in tune. It is important that you sing loudly so that you can hear yourself sing.

A singing session cannot be complete without a warm-up session before it and a cool down session in the end. You throat and your voice are your instruments and you need to be very careful with them.

To maintain your voice you should avoid shouting or speaking too loudly. Before you go for the higher notes always give your vocal chords the time to warm up by singing the low notes.

If possible try and invest in a professional voice coaching session or you may want to try one of the new learn to sing online softwares.

Follow good eating habits, excessive alcohol and smoking will damage the vocal chords making you sound hoarse.

You can learn a lot from feedback. Singing for your friends and family is a good way to get an honest opinion. Recording your voice is also a good way to rate you performance.

Finally, Practice, practice and practice some more. Follow a diligent and consistent practice plan.

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