
Unknown Merry Facts About Pow Wows 2019

By Jerry Rogers

When we met new friends or those whom we did not see for a long time, we celebrate their presence by hanging out in bars, backyards, inside our homes or theirs. In every place of the world, there are many ways in which we expressed our happiness for the friendship among ourselves and for other people. This is the main reason why this pow wows 2019 festivity is the culmination of a week long remembering and cherishing the presence and moments with each other.

In a stricter sense, the event is a social gathering organized by different Native American societies. However, the modern version today is when these people held it to give value to their cultures, coupled with dancing and singing all the day long or perhaps will last for a week. Sometimes, there would be dance competitions among different tribal groups with a sizeable monetary reward for the winners.

Preparations for the event is insanely long, often taking a year before the date arrives. Most of the times, groups of tribes may volunteer to be the sponsors of that event and that will set everything in motion by then. It is their task to advertise, prepare the venue and make an agreement between vendors who will be setting their makeshift tents to display their wares.

The deafening distant sound of the drums is usually the signal that the feast is about to begin. It has a rhythmic beating signifying unity, brotherhood and peace for all who come for the celebration. Along this beats are distinctive styles of songs that could be heard at a distance.

Every movement in the dances are a reflection of how rich and colorful is their tradition. Keeping the flow of the program is what the master of ceremonies, often the most senior and deemed knowledgeable on the tribal ways. This person can help make the spectators explain to them what is happening all around and may add light jokes on it.

At the beginning, dancers in processional alignment would come together and did their thing as if inviting the folks to be one with them in their celebration. It is also expected that they will participate their bidding, as the dances is described to be very dynamic and rhythmically fast. Spectators would get a load of sight seeing pleasures as they see adults as well as young children dressed up in their full regalia.

As the sang and danced, you would notice that they do it in circles. The shape is actually an important symbol for the tribes, as it signifies that diagram we call as the cycle of life. In the middle of this, a pole with a white flag is placed as a sign of peace for all people attending the event.

Their songs hold a special place in their hearts, as these carry along their rich traditions and culture ultimately passing them on to the next generation. Most of them are still sung in their native languages, whether composed originally or a revival of some sort. Usually, when singing commences, that is also the start of dancing by different groups.

These people are the original settlers of our country and it is a high time we give them something in return. We need to stop being ethnocentric towards others, and look at other cultures as unique and beautiful on their own. Feasts should unite us as a single group of people who understand each other very well.

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