
Discovering ARCHETYPES JUNG For Modern Times

By Stacey Burt

Jung is a name familiar to most who have studied the fields of psychology and psychiatry. Working as both a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, views sometimes vary from the mainstream. Though, while others never thought of using archetypes, Jung did, the two most commonly used ARCHETYPES JUNG, were that of the innocent child, and the old man full of wisdom, because you can not have one without the other.

The term archetype, is derived from study related to modern philosophical and psychological theories. It can have one of several meanings. The most popular being associated with literary analysis, or research. A good example in which this type archetype can be useful is in that of solving crimes, or in film and television with relation to to the writers and directors of comedies, dramas, mysteries, suspense thrillers and many other genres.

One of the best definitions of an archetype with a different definition would be that of a commune. Why would a commune be considered an archetype? Because those living within the walls and grounds of a commune are often considered to have a collective consciousness, all living in the same manner, with the same beliefs and interests.

These elements can vary a great deal when it comes to the research and study projects of Jung and others like Edgar Cayce. Although Jung's archetypes of a an old wise man, and an innocent child can be used in many different applications. Applications whether as treatments, or in discussion can often add metaphorical aspects in which the old wise man, and innocent child could be anything from the world and a planet, to the dream world and reality.

After which, the client and therapist can come to an agreement and understand the best treatment possible for the situation. While Jung believes in a collective consciousness, the view is different from individuals building intentional societies. Of course, by living communally people always have people and all save together over time.

While the recent show Utopia, which was to have aired for a year showing the development of such a society, the show was canceled almost as quickly as it began. Most likely due to the fact that the directors and producers overlooked the issue and incorporated making money into part of the program. When in reality, a true Utopia, would not have the need for money if the group really had the ability to develop a self-sustaining and self-sufficient community.

While that may be the case, generally collective consciousness and intentional communities are positive. With many providing food to those whom are less fortunate, or creating businesses from self sustaining farms on which the group resides. A great example of one of these intentional sustainable communities is that of Earth Rose Farm in Costa Rica which offers a three week visit, with longer volunteer and homestead options.

Unfortunately, it has yet to be determined if these "intentional communities" will succeed over time. Some have had the same betters for years, while others see individuals come and go on a regular basis. It is no doubt that this may be the case in the beginning of most of these communities as it can often take a great deal of acceptance and tolerance to live with other people as a family, whether by chance or choice.

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