
Improve Your Primerica Profits

By Ricardo Interpermian

Primerica business owners: It's time to learn what it REALLY takes to become a top 3% earner Are you committed to climbing to the top of your comp. plan?

If you seek to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

The single most important skill you could ever learn is marketing.

Here are 3 ways top earners dominate today:

- Use Attraction Marketing

Nearly all people promoting Primerica run out of leads. That's when they end up chasing people and they just seem to be desperate. The ideal solution to these issues is Attraction Marketing.

Attraction Marketing entails creating and promoting instructional content online that teaches network marketers how to grow their businesses. When you promote instructional content online, you establish yourself as an authority and leader. This is a very effective way to sponsor people into Primerica.

A few principles govern Attraction Marketing:

- On the Internet, people are NOT looking for your business opportunity. Most people really want to find a leader who can show them the way.

- People online promoting companies like Primerica are a dime a dozen. There are very few true leaders out there.

- By nature people are drawn towards others than can help fix their problems.

- People get turned off when they feel someone is just trying to close them on a sale.

- You are much more valuable in the marketplace when you focus on helping people improve their businesses.

- If you want to receive, you have to be a giver first. The quality and extent of your valuable free content will influence the degree to which you are considered a leader.

When you practice attraction marketing effectively, prospects will approach you to request to join Primerica. attraction marketers NEVER have to chase people down.

- Add More Income Streams

Rather than depend solely on your Primerica business for revenue, introduce multiple revenue streams. Depending your business solely on Primerica is risky. Your best people could quit your business. Your Primerica retention could decline. Primerica management team might change the comp. plan or add restrictions you don't like.

you lower your risk when you diversify your Primerica business income. Add new revenue sources but do not get distracted from your core Primerica business.

You can choose from three major ways to add new income sources:

Add affiliate offers to your marketing mix. Think of the courses, services and systems you use and your business. Pick the best ones to promote as an affiliate. Only promote the best products and services, not just the ones that pay high commissions. 20%-60% payouts are typical.

Another strategy is to take your content and make it into a product. Record your conference calls and webinars, then ell the recordings. Turn your free videos into a for-profit video course. Bundle your articles into an ebook.

Third, you can provide one-on-one coaching to your students that are the most serious. Price your offer so it's worth your time.

- Capitalize On Revenue In the First 90 Days

Marketers in Primerica and similar companies spend way too much time and energy trying to build a long term residual income. And they focus too little on short term revenue. These networkers leave a lot of money on the table.

Long term, you need a big downline to create a large residual income. But only a tiny handful of network marketers ever create a large downline.

Retention is terrible in network marketing. Nearly everyone in your downline will quit in the first year. Focusing almost all your efforts on creating a large downline is NOT the most profitable business model.

You can earn a lot more by increasing the money you make n the short term. Focus on the revenue you derive in the first three months of acquiring a new rep or a new customer.

Two sources of short term income exist:

Promote affiliate products such as training tools and systems. 95% of people are not going to join your Primerica business, and you should profit from selling to these people.

Selling a high ticket product line is another great strategy to increase your income in the short term. Network marketing opportunities such as Primerica usually pay $50-$100 each time you sponsor a rep.

You can make a ton more money by promoting an opportunity that pays you a $1,000 or more for each new rep. you sponsor. Sell a product line that's higher ticket. Your up-front revenue will increase dramatically.

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