
Tips For Choosing Foreclosure Defense Lawyer

By Anita Ortega

Each year, millions of homeowners face foreclosure and thousands of them end up losing their homes. You can however delay or stop foreclosure process by hiring a professional foreclosure defense lawyer to guide you through the process. The defense lawyer will try to negotiate with the lender on your behalf to ensure that you do not lose your home. Before you hit the road in search of attorney, you must understand what makes a solicitor be good. Below are tips to help you choose a good one.

Avoid making this very important decision based on advertisement alone. Yellow pages are always filled with ads all of which carry the same message. Remember that anyone can buy a slick ad even if they have never handled even a single foreclosure case. This is why your best approach would be to seek referrals. This way, you would be dealing with lawyers who have been tested and proven to be good. Some of the reliable sources of referrals include your friends, relatives, colleagues and other attorneys who are not foreclosure specialists.

The work of foreclosure defense attorney is too much specialized for someone who does not practice this on a regular basis. Because of this, you should always ensure that your potential attorney is a specialist. Do not settle on a solicitor who helped with your divorce or personal injury case thinking that he/she will be suitable.

Experience also matters a lot. One thing you have to keep in mind is that foreclosures are very complex, because of this; a novice may not be very successful in executing foreclosure case. You should look for a solicitor who has been in this practice for at least five years or more. With that much experience, you can be sure that the attorney is competent enough to represent you no matter how complex the case may be.

Whether you like it or not, legal fee is another factor you will have to consider. This will vary depending on the complexity of the task and the attorneys enthusiasm in providing unbundled services. As a general rule, it is always advisable to hire the solicitor on unbundled service whenever the amount of dispute justifies it. At the same time, you must also compare charges from at least three attorneys before deciding on which one to hire. This will help you save some money even if just a few dollars.

Just to be sure that you are dealing with a qualified solicitor; be sure to ask him for his license of operation. This license is usually issued only to lawyers who meet minimum requirements. So being in possession of the license can be proof that the solicitor is competent enough to represent you.

You should also discuss with your prospective attorney how often you will be getting updates concerning your case. You need regular updates on the progress. So you should look for a solicitor who will not be too busy for you. If the lawyer seems too busy at consultation, you should treat this as danger sign and look for another attorney.

With the above tips in mind, you should be able to find the best attorney for your case. You should also remember that you are not the only one looking for these lawyers. As such, it is always advisable to start the search early enough. This will help you avoid last minute rush which may lead to desperation.

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