
The Exciting Story About The Forgotten Vampires

By Essie Osborn

Fire goddess by Dr. Carole A. Western, is the first book of a new series of books about supernatural beings. The Forgotten Vampires series is all about mystery, love, power and greed, and you will love every single page. Especially if you have enjoyed reading Twilight and similar books. Even if you generally don't appreciate Vampire stories, you will positively enjoy in this one.

There are seven immortal vampire brothers called Karazans, and they present the entirely new vampire breed. They are so powerful, and have some additional charms and abilities, as well as some special magical powers. They've managed to survive for centuries, and very few people are aware of their existence. Hidden for centuries, now they come to bring fear among people.

The story begins with Aimee McKenzie. She is an orphan, living an ordinary teenage life with her grandparents in Wyoming, in a place called Star Valley. She also has other grandparents, living on the Hawaiian Islands, but she had never seen them, or had any contact with them. Her Hawaiian grandfather, Kulana, sends her a telegram, inviting her to Hawaii, and that's how it all begins.

Kulanu family is very rich, and Aimee's cousin Alon was the sole heir until she arrived. Alon is jealous and vindictive, and he is, unfortunately, Karazian vampire, and wants to kill her. One of the fire Goddesses, Polihanu, wants to help Aimee, and sends Kiyotu, her immortal servant, to look after her. Polihanu is the nicest of all Fire Goddesses, and it is very good to have her on your side.

Karazans are the most dangerous, but there are so many other enemies Aimee and Kiyotu have to face. Fire Hounds, Pele, Kaboshi witch and Lava Demons are just some of these enemies, one more dangerous than the other. Two beautiful young people fall in love, and this brings them more problems, because Kiyotu is immortal, and their love is forbidden.

Although in their fight two young people have a few allies, the battle seems hopeless. They face many dangerous situations, and they are forced to contend with a much stronger enemy. However, their love is true and sincere, and gives them the strength to face all kinds of challenges. The story is rich with interesting plots and unexpected turns that will keep you totally occupied.

This fascinating and suspenseful book will surely delight you, especially if you enjoy the stories contain elements of the supernatural. Although this book is intended primarily for teenagers, readers of all generations will find it more than interesting. The story is full of surprising twists, unexpected events and fabulous creatures that will absolutely captivate you.

This book is a real refreshment in the offer this season. Intelligently written, exciting and thrilling, it will pin you to the chair to the last page. The atmosphere is mysterious and appealing, the story is more than interesting, the plot is quite unexpected and you will positively enjoy every single moment. This book will surely delight you so much that you'll hardly wait to continue the story.

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