
How To Choose The Best Cello Instructor For Your Child

By Essie Osborn

Learning a musical instrument is seen as a natural part of growing up; a time when children can have fun as well as learn. However, it is crucial to find the best teacher for the job. When you are looking for a cello instructor for your family, there are a few points that you should take into consideration.

You first port of call when looking for a music teacher is your local school. Here, you will a music department and you will often have access to very affordable single or group classes. Ask about lessons here first, and when they cannot offer them ask for advice on private tutors.

A private teacher will be a lot more expensive than one from your youngster's music department, so be prepared to have to shop around. When the school cannot provide you with a list of names of possible tutors, take a trip to your music store in town and ask there too; here they should have lists for almost any instrument imaginable.

Teachers that come recommended by your local music store will be teachers with a lot of experience; however you do need to make sure that they will cater for a child. The way a child learns a musical instrument is different to that of an adult; so always take this into consideration. You may also like to look in your local pages for recommendations.

However, if you really are not able to find a teacher by local recommendation, you can look online too. You will be able to get results in a second when you look online; but once again you need to remember to check that not only are they qualified but that they are also qualified to teach kids and that they have great reviews.

What you need to do is draw up a shortlist of possible teachers for your child. Only when you have a few names should you then go on and phone them to ask about their prices as well as their teaching methods. What you have to be sure of more than anything else is that the teacher is up to date with methods for teaching to children and not just adults.

Armed with all the information, it is then time to choose the best tutor for your child. Remember that you do not have to commit to any one teacher or pay huge amounts in advance; a trial session is a great way of finding out how well your child will respond.

Most importantly, you need to ask your child if they are happy with their lessons and their teacher. If they are bored and do not like the method used, then they will often give up. Many children give up on learning an instrument because they do not bond with their tutor; so listen to their opinion and make sure you use only the very best tutor for the job.

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