
Understanding Different Aspects Of The Lds Poems

By Katrina Wheeler

Poetry is a very deep form literary art which employs the use of aesthetic and other forms of rhythmic qualities so as to evoke different meanings. Poetry has been around for a number of years. Other stylistic devices are aloes employed in order to drive the message home. Some are very straight forward while others require a critic so as to analyze them. The lds poems are used to pass different types of meanings to the young children.

The understanding of different literary materials varies with the level of critical thinking. Adults understand the different pieces of art faster as compared to the kids. This is mainly because the level of thinking and analyzing things is still growing. For this reason, most of words used are very simple. The sentence structures are short and understandable. Intonation varies from one sentence to another so as to lay emphasis on the change of storyline.

Millions of native languages are used by different people when communicating. These languages have slowly changed in form of structure and the devices within them. A couple of sentence structures may be common among different languages. The rhyming of words uses syllables with almost the same sounds at the end of each of sentences. This repetition creates a systematic flow within the structures.

Word patterns are the building blocks of poetry. The creation of different rhyme schemes employs the fact that children usually remember the commonly repeated words. Their brains have the ability to pick those that are common within a prose. Commonly repeated ones are also picked. Rhymes and repetition is a common way of building on the ability to remember the scenes from different pieces of art.

Poetry is mainly about compacting. A very long story is compacted into a shorter story. This is told through compact words. Breaking down of such stories is done while maintaining the original idea. The main flow of ideas is not lost through the compaction. Shorter stories are much easier to remember. Special features are added to the main story so as to make it more interesting during the retelling of the story. The subject matter is underlined by the special features in the shorter stories.

Poetry aims at passing special messages to the target audience. The messages are most cases hidden. For the children literary work, the messages are in, most cases very obvious. The use of common words underlines the importance of the subject matter. Repetitive words may also draw special attention to certain phrases revealing the intention of the authors.

The works of poets can also be used to entertain the kids. Most of these stories are very interesting. They capture the minds of the young souls till the end of such stories. Their level of reasoning is increased in the process. Others are used to sooth them to sleep. They are mostly those with smooth rhyme schemes. On other occasions, a number of new teachings can be derived from these soothing bed time stories.

The publishers categorize the literary work depending on the underlying meanings. Some of lds poems are classified as short stories. Others are classified as narratives if they take the form of a narrative. After the categorization they are then printed. The retailers pick them and then stock the bookshops and various book points across the globe.

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