
Tips On How To Draw Cartoon Characters

By Dawn Williams

The best way to learn how to draw cartoon characters is to get guidance from an expert. With professional help you will become a master in a short amount of time. It is advisable to enroll in a school for the best classes. There are plenty of institutions that will charge you fairly for professional guidance. You need to find a technique that you like and concentrate on it.

It does not help to pile up bogus work. However, you can take a lot of time practicing for the fun of it. Follow the right steps that are provided by the experts. If you want to get the most out of your investment in a short time you need to fast track your learning.

Most people can draw caricatures. To stand out you need to be highly skilled. The only way to achieve this is to invest and practice a lot. If you get proper training you will rise above the crowd. It is very important to observe if you want to come up with great cartoons. Investigating your subject properly is very crucial.

At the beginning it is alright to come up with caricatures that have poor shapes. However, if you want to be recognized you need to represent subjects accurately. To perfect this you have to comprehend your subject. You should notice all the features. Some of the key areas include the mouths, ears, noses and eyes. It is also important to look at the hair style and length. If you observe all the features properly you should be able to represent them perfectly.

Render your theme by looking at the features. Learn how to exaggerate. All the features that stand out should be amplified. If you want your cartoon to be memorable you should exaggerate it. Know where to strike the balance. Do not mess with the simplicity of the figure. It should remain basic and still stand out.

The next step is to look at stroke heaviness. When drawing cartoons it is important to magnify some features and points. There are several styles that you can use to shade different areas. A different assortment of shades will provide a sense of depth to the illustrations. The approach you use can make or break your work. Ensure that you make the face of every character expressive. The personality is usually shown by the eyes. You can make them appear thoughtful, suspicious, confident, frightened or nervous.

Ensure that you learn from your mistakes to improve your work. Celebrate your achievements. It does not matter how small the progress is, you need to get pleasure from the artwork. If you do get fulfilled by your work you might lose creativity. It is advisable to take a break when you feel tired. Exercises and other activities will revive you when you feel low.

It is fun to know how to draw cartoon characters. This art is respected and you can easily earn a living from it. All you require to get started is a set of pencils, pens and pads. Invest time and learn how to be a professional.

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