
The Arts Effect On Society

By Margarita Joseph

Arts effect on society is a certain adoption of a practice could lead to changes in the functioning of the entire members of the society. There are certain professionals who have led to that development by participating in those activities that bring the change. People can readily accept a process or completely neglect it depending on how beneficial it is to them.

Individuals are sensitive to those things that hurt them or seem to be lowering their self esteem. They can develop defensive actions in order to prevent others from hurting and humiliating them. The way people can handle certain difficulties in case they occur determines their capabilities and also their professionalism that could be used to solve crisis and other situations that may occur.

The art can be discovered by using all the resources that are available. Some are not so easy to get but with assistance they are able to achieve them. Almost every activity uses this concept and the only difference is the output or means of production. The creativity and passion drives them to perform more and better hence increasing income.

Those in the industry of music and poetry also experience the same consequences. They try to change that image that people have by showing the productivity in that industry and behaving properly. For those who need to work odd hours for instance at night shows have not been easy especially the female artists. The society views them as practicing prostitution or defines them as lost sheep that do not need to be embraced in the community.

Sports are also a branch in the process and range depending on the requirement. They help someone become physically fit and get to learn tactics which are useful. Also they give one a source of income hence being able to have the life they always admired and also give the ones they love a good future.

The nurturing of talents among people can be difficult due to lack of funds and also the residents are not ready to exploit them. This is the fear in them that they are doing the wrong thing which is against their cultures. Those in the local areas should be educated on the benefits that come with this process.

Governments of various countries have enabled it to be adopted by many people by showing the positive side and trying to curb the negative ones. This is the best way to make the system get into the community without problems of facing rejection. They get to analyze the way it is doing and controlling any new occurrences.

Arts effect on society are many and could have adverse effects depending on the magnitude. They cause change which can be positive or negative depending on the way it is handled. With high population, the rate of innovation is uncontrollable and this has been a practice in most developed countries around the world.

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