
Incense Powder And The Old Religions That Used It

By Margarita Joseph

People all over the world love to use incense powder and other types for a variety of reasons. Many people use it for healing or for religious purposes. Some use it to spiritually cleanse a room or larger area while still others will use it to do the same to a persons soul. There are a variety of reasons for its use and why it has been around for so long.

Many people have been using the sticks in America for a long time. Here in the United States people will sometimes steer away from a cultural tradition if only to appear more assimilated. Not that there is anything wrong with following tradition or doing things the way our ancestors did them. In many ways it can be more fulfilling.

The same holds true for the burning of incense. The crystals that are used and called resins are for most traditionalists the best way to enhance the aroma of a room. However for some people the steps involved in burning this type sometimes make people shy away from it because they was a fast and simple method. Not something that involves steps.

The purpose of the disk is to burn and keep burning, thus keeping the powders lit. However there is an alternative to needing the disks. Modern technology has made it so certain ingredients can be used in the powder to make it self-igniting. So once it is lit it will keep itself burning because of the additives and there is then no need at all for the charcoal.

This being the case you can go with either version. If you want the more traditional method then go with the one that needs charcoal. The steps to get this going are fairly simple and only require patience and common sense to keep the process safe. If you are careless you will most certainly create a possible dangerous situation.

You get everything set on the table with your metal or ceramic bowl, the charcoal disks and your incense powder. Place the charcoal disk into the bowl. Some people prefer to place a small amount of sand or dirt at the bottom, under the charcoal to help keep as much of the heat from transferring into the bowl. Once at this point you can use tongs to pick up and light the disk.

Of course as time moved on and modern medicine took hold, many of the old world traditions were lost or forgotten. The only people who still remember or practice these are the nomads, gypsies, or old villagers in Europe and the Middle East. Modern Catholic churches also use the burning of incense to symbolize Jesus.

The incense powder can be placed in the bowl either on top of the charcoal disk of not depending on the type you have. Once prepared you can use your fingers to pres it together into a cone or mountain shape and then light with a match. Once it is lit it will burn for a few moments until it goes out all by itself. No need to blow out the flame. Once it goes out it will begin producing the wonderful scents that you are looking for.

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