
Tips For VHS Transfer To DVD

By Paula Barron

Many folks have utilized VHS tapes to ensure that they could capture important moments in their lives with their family and friends. As the technology has improved and changed throughout the years, many folks have chosen to move past VHS tapes but in order to keep those memories on VHS they need to do a VHS transfer to DVD.

It is really an easier process than you may realize. There are just a handful of things you are going to need on hand to get started. You will need to have some blank DVD's a Video Camera or a VHS machine, a RCA cable that includes the colors yellow, white and red and a DVD player.

Once you have determined that you have all the necessary equipment to begin your project, attach your VHS recorder or video camera to your DVD recording device. This can be done by attaching the RCA cables. Put one in the "out" port of the VHS machine or video camera and one into the "in" port of the DVD recording device.

The next this needed is to attach your DVD machine to the television. To make this connection, use the coaxial cable and stick it into your DVD player where it says "out" For the television, look for the spot labeled "in". Both connections will look like a screw.

Once all of the lines have been put in place, turn the television on and tune it. With most televisions this channel will be channel 3 but, you may find some models that require you to set it to channel 4. You are also going to need to tune your DVD player to the channel.

Next, turn the power on the VHS recorder or video camera and insert the tape to be copied. When you can see the picture of the video than you have set up properly. Do make sure that the movie you are going to copy is set to the beginning before starting to record. Make sure that you insert a blank disk into your DVD machine. When you are ready, press the "record" button on the machine. Once your movie has reached the end, all you need to do is to press the "stop" button.

There is one final step called "finalizing" that is necessary for you to be able to enjoy your new DVD movie. How you proceed to finalize your disk will depend on your DVD machine's manufacturer and will be laid out in your instruction manual. While it is a different process in nearly all machines, it is normally a very simple process.

The process from start to finish to transfer to DVD is really quite easy but you will have to have patients. It will take as long as it takes to play your movie through. The cost of undertaking a project like this generally just depends on the amount you pay for the DVD's. They can be purchased at varying costs.

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