
For James Christensen Art Depicts Fantasy

By Paula Barron

For James Christensen art cannot be separated from myths and legends. He uses realistic textures with unusual stylized sketching techniques to give his work an ethereal atmosphere. His paintings have won extensive popularity on a global scale.

The artist was born in the early Forties and grew up in California. He was university educated and had an academic career until the nineties. His work has been exhibited widely. The artist also does commissions, and has been asked to produce work for books published by media businesses.

The Chesley award was given to the artist, but he has been saluted in many different countries. He is known as one of America's best science fiction artists and illustrators. His paintings usually include a floating fish, which has become his trademark. There are artworks by him that omit this distinctive mark. He has five children, and two of his daughters have established themselves as successful artists.

The artist lives with his family in a fantastical home that takes inspiration from his paintings. He is popular because of the charm of his paintings. His style is extremely distinctive and his use of colors and textures are predominant in most of his work. He often uses the texture of watercolor paper to add additional detail.

The artist often demonstrates a strong sense of humor through his work. He also concentrates on more serious ideals, which he expresses through painting. He has used the ideal of the positive pay offs of adversity in his work. His series, The Spiritual Realm, expresses the idea that all suffering ends eventually.

The artist uses stark, rich colors and intricate details. Fairies, mermaids, castles and elves are often used as subject matter for the work. The success of the artist has resulted in lofty prices for original works but prints are made available to those seeking collectible limited editions. The work can also be found in several books.

Christensen is inspired by many different sources found in religious tales and fables. He aims to create pictures that are beautiful but also unusual. His lengthy term as a teacher has altered the way he views life. He uses his art to teach lessons. He communicates strong ideals, but also tries to make viewers see the funny side of life.

The media James uses are diverse and a feature in many collections in Europe and America. His work can be found on porcelain, puzzles, clothing and cards. His book, The Journey of the Imagination, depicts a journey of fantasy. He believes that life is too complicated and serious, so his creativity serves as a shelter from these aspects.

The characters the artist uses in his paintings can be seen to be experiencing events that most people confront in their lives. These situations are displayed light heartedly in the hope that they will give the viewer an easier life view. Ultimately, the charm of the work appeals to a ranging audience, but the niche fantasy culture is particularly fond of his paintings.

The characterizations in the work show the artist's philosophies. Every painting reveals some of his internal experiences. The bright palettes are characteristic but the artist has also used ink. For James Christensen art is a communication portal that can help others to live more light heartedly.

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