
The Unique Sony RX1 Review

By Paula Barron

Each Sony RX1 review shows that this is a very unique camera that fits into a very niche market. It is a 24 megapixel full-frame mirrorless camera, and has a very sharp Carl Zeiss 35mm F2 autofocus lens. The RX1 does not have a viewfinder, although it has an LCD screen on the back. Both and optical and electronic EVF finder are available separately.

So who is this camera for? It has the same excellent sensor as the Sony A99, but a fixed lens. So the uses for this camera is limited. It would not be a good camera for wildlife or sports, and its uses for landscape could be limited if a wider angle is required. With the fast 35mm lens the camera is clearly aimed at the street photographer or photojournalist, for whom a fixed 35mm lens is enough.

The camera feels very much like a rangefinder when used with one of the optional finders. The camera is simple and more intuitive than the DSLRs, it is also a better option for more candid photography. The sensore performs extremely well as high ISO settings, and the sharp F2 lens makes it perfect for low light. Also being smaller and lighter than most DSLRS it can be handheld at lower shutter speeds. It does not have image-stabilization like the Alpha 99, but it doesn't really require it.

The fixed 35mm F2 lens is extremely sharp, with delicious creamy bokeh. The lens will resolves everything the sensore is capable of with the right technique. The full frame sensore will also provide shallower depth of field compared to cropped sensor cameras, which make it easier to find the optimum apertures and hyperfocal distances.

Autofocus is quite fast, but not as fast as a DSLR, which is designed more for capturing fast moving subjects. The color is very nice and the sensor has good dynamic range. Jpegs straight out of the camera are very good quality, although processing RAW files in Lightroom or Aperture will yield better results, especially for fine art printing.

The camera is not cheap; its main rivals being the NEX series, Fuji X-PR01 and Leica M series. These cameras have the advantage of having interchangeable lenses, but the RX1 and Leica M has superior image quality. The Leica is a lot more expensive than the RX1 so if a 35mm lens is all that is needed then this may be the better choice for many photographers.

Having only one fixed focal length is a liberating experience, it enables photographers to forget about worrying about focal lengths and just concentrate on composition. For many street photographs zoom is just a case of walking forward or backwards. This camera may also be very exciting for wedding photographers who use the documentary approach to capture images candidly during a wedding day.

Every Sony RX1 review demonstrates that this is a niche camera, but it a spectacular imaging device. It is small, easy for experienced photographers to use that is capable to producing beautiful photographs in the right hands.

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