
The polygamous tale of a superstar

By Deepak Chandra

Love and lust is separated by a very thin line and it's always easy to cross-over into the latter. Bollywood is an abyss of unfortunate events, armed with the strongest media attention in the country. Every little thing is scrutinized, mistakes exploited, comments misrepresented and lives destroyed. It's like a war zone, where you have already crossed over to the enemy side and you are constantly on guard. But the rumors that fly out of Bollywood hold substantial weight as all of them are taken very seriously. A recent rumor that flew right at us was the news of a beloved superstar and his affair with a top actress.

Both the actors have always known to be friends, but recent updates suggest that they have taken their friendship to a new level. Neither of the two has ever publicly admitted to seeing each other, but highly reliable sources point out that they have been seeing each other for while. Another scintillating update is that they have already tied the knot and he has even bought her a house somewhere in the Middle East. However, this has not surprised the fans as they had already guessed this blooming relationship.

They met in 2006, shooting for a thriller/action and an instant attraction was noticed. Their onscreen chemistry was much talked about and everyone asked the same question? What made them so comfortable with each other? As years passed by, they grew closer and even acted together in three movies. Their off-screen chemistry grew stronger and so did the media's suspicion. As they have always denied the allegation, it's been hard to lock onto the truth, but the Indian crowd had always believed that they are seeing each other. Following the media frenzy, people have started tweeting, blogging and writing about it on Facebook and all other available social digital media website.

However, this should not come as a surprise to the people who follow Bollywood as things like this are more prominent in the industry. However, Bollywood stars are more susceptible to such rumors as they are always looked at through a fine comb. Also, Bollywood has its own rules and regulations about self promotions - simply put stars sometimes put stories out to gain undue attention and revel on the publicity achieved. This has become a routine and hardly anyone is ever surprised by it. But what is surprising is that Bollywood has always come up and inspired us Indians in believing in true love with its movies, over the top dramatization of it.

Thought it doesn't affect our life, we are still very interested in knowing the life of these stars. True or untrue, these speculations hold the capability to disrupt an individual life and if that individual is a famous persona then it can disrupt his and his family's life. But this is what one gets to be a part of Bollywood, and though no one welcomes such rumors, they are used to it.

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