
A Look At Water Color Artists

By Amber Winters

It was during the medieval period that a unique kind of painting emerged called watercolor. Works of art created by using opaque techniques with gold leaf sparked a whole new generation of individuals called water color artists.

He was the first one to see the potential of painting large watercolors. This artist highlighted his work by making use of washes. Washes are flat areas of color that have been watered down. The more water used the lighter the wash becomes.

Each country has produced its own share of artists work in this medium. They have approached if from the perspective of where they live and what they experience. It reinforces the flexibility of this type of painting.

The Victorian era was the hallmark of showcasing these paintings and the artists who created them. It was not difficult to recreate the images of previously made works of art. This appealed to many individuals and they often requested water colors.

During this time major individuals emerged. People like Claude Lorrain, who was born in the 1600s. The landscape was the predominate works and he was thought to be the very best. His work known as Landscape with Cattle and Pheasants displayed the wonderful scenery around the area.

Richard Wasike is a Ugandan artist who makes his home in Nairobi, Kenya. He was born in 1963 on the Ugandan border of Kenya. At the age of five his father discovered he had a natural talent for art. He was encouraged by his father to create beautiful African landscapes.

His work captures the majestic Maasai people as is depicted in his painting of Three Maasai Moran and Maasai At Sunset. Each of these shows the beauty in the world on the Savanna. He has shown a skill to artfully capture this world.

Cheng Knee Chee is considered one of the best contemporary watercolor artists in America today. He is a professor Emeritus at the University of Minneapolis. His techniques include traditional watercolor, ancient Chinese dry brush, and a technique that is uniquely his own.

This artist has a love of fish and birds. One of his favorite subjects to paint are Koi. In one of his paintings he is able to capture the very essence of this subject and project it through a method called the splash color. Using this process he has control on the final image.

This paint, which has been through several transformations is created by mixing it together with an agent that is water soluble. The only problem is that in the early stages of the paint it could not hold the brightness of the color. This caused it to fade in the light.

This has been taken care of with the new techniques that they use to make them. The paint is very resilient and can be found in a variety of forms. The finishes they are able to achieve have the ability to offer many new styles.

There many more water color artists than can be described here. Every artist at some point has tried his or her hand at this forgiving and powerful medium. These artists are always finding new ways to express the world as it is seen from their perspective.

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