
Points You Should Note When Selecting Extraction Systems

By Marcy Becker

In industries or other areas where there is production of items, extraction systems play a great role. They ensure the employees work in healthy conditions and also help the company abide by with various regulations. Such a system can also help a company reduce costs. For example, when the company is getting health and liability covers for employees, it will be easier to negotiate a better rate. However, one might have problems searching for the best system from the wide variety in the market. However, by considering a number of issues, it will be possible to get the best.

The main consideration is the type of extractor to buy. There are three major categories to choose from which are the engineered, source capture devices and the personal air-powered respirators. You can also use a combination of systems to get the best results. Among the three categories, the engineered units are the most expensive.

From the name, you can tell that an engineered system will have to be constructed at your premises. This involves installation of ducts and fans which remove fumes from the area. These systems are effective in cleaning the air in a room but they do little to protect the person working at the fume source. A source capture device would help with this. You can therefore opt to combine the two.

When protection only the person working at the fume source, a personal air-powered respirator will be the best. This one is incorporated into the technician's headgear. Although it offers great protection to the technician, the rest of the room is not protected. It might therefore be useful only in especially conditions especially where the technician is working alone.

Apart from the type of system, the next important thing you need to consider is the kind of filter in the system. The best filter for your job will be determined by the kind of job you do. For instance, if you are in the welding business, you are not likely to find a system with a filter made for the submicron particles present in the fumes. You might therefore have to purchase special filters.

It is also important to think of the airflow. The systems are usually rated by considering the cubic feet of air they can circulate in a minute. However, choosing one might be a bit complicated because different manufacturers have different measures and advertise differently. It is best to get advice from an expert in order to settle for the right system.

Another consideration is whether to opt for self cleaning or disposable filters. With the disposable ones, you have to discard them after they reach their capacity. With the self cleaning filters on the other hand, you will be able to clean and reuse them even after they reach their capacity.

One factor that is affected by all the others is cost. For instance, choosing a unit with disposable filters will cost you more in the long run. Also choosing some options like the engineered fume extraction systems will be costlier. You must therefore consider your budget then choose a system that fits in well.

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