
Blog Post - Universal Search, Content, Social Marketing and AuthorAuthority

Hi brucelee,

We've just updated the UAW Blog with a post regarding Content Marketing,
Social Marketing and Author Authority.

Its a pretty in-depth post that covers the "hows" and "whys" Universal
Search is here, how we can capitalize on it and the enhancements that UAW
has been rolling out

If you ask me Team UAW is rocking it - come be the judge and read it for
yourself :)

Here is the link to the post:

We hope you enjoy it and we look forward to your Comments on the blog, you
can also join in the conversation with us on your favorite Social

Happy Marketing!

~ Jason Arnold

BTW - if you like what you read, share the message by tweeting it, liking
it, share it - we love social signals as much as you do :)

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