
Factors Sustaining Rock Carving Alberta

By Marcy Becker

Rock carving Alberta is a well known industry which has been in existence since time in memorial. It involves creating artifacts and sculptures from rocks both for commercial and home use. It is based on traditional methods which have been passed on from generation to generation. With the introduction of schools and technology, many people feel that this industry is in jeopardy. In this article, we shall analyze each aspect which makes it to e bright regardless of these changes.

This form of trade has been beneficial to the people of Alberta and the whole nation in general. For instance, there has been a large rise in the number of tourists into this country. Increased tourist activities have the effect of facilitating inflow of foreign exchange. It is termed as an excellent foreign exchange earner. Tourists come to this area for sight seeing and buying the carvings for their own use once they return to their mother countries.

As the influx of tourists continues, a lot of people engaged within this trade are ranked to be self employed. They are able to earn something from this practice. In general, this assists immensely in the reduction of unemployment levels within this area and the nation at large. The long term effects are those of developing the economy since the calculation of GDP takes into consideration this perspective.

In addition, the need to boost the economy in terms of foreign exchange and tax revenues does facilitate for a brighter future. With exports being made and their demand increasing year in year out, the inflow of foreign exchange is seen to be on the rise. Such monies are used for the development of infrastructure and other social amenities. An increase in number portrays a brighter future.

Besides, it eases dependency on one particular way of earning a living. This comes in handy on the perspective of agriculture and over dependency on white collar jobs. With the relevant skills, one does not have to wait for a formal job when this trade has the potential to provide for him or her.

Furthermore, peace and harmony has been evident since time in memorial. This activity brings these people together as a way of fostering and sustaining this calmness. They have been doing so by working in groups. With this togetherness, what has been in existence since then still survives up to now. This has been the driving force for this industry to surpass all the tests of time.

Apart from peace and harmony, there exist a number of museums which are a nearby, ready market to purchase their products and preserve them for others to view and appreciate. On these terms, they end up making money with ease and sustaining the growth of these museums.

In summing up, rock carving Alberta assists significantly in preservation of this culture. As of today, the advancement of technology has resulted to erosion of many aspects within this society. A number of cultural components are being preserved due to the continuation of this practice. In the end when these people come together, they do have something in common to unify and relate them to their deceased forefathers.

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