
Civil War Battle Flags Offer A Glimpse Of Greatness

By Kerri Turner

During the tumultuous years of the war fought between two regions of America, there was perhaps no emblem as significant and important as that of the nation's flag. Civil war battle flags became important symbols that inspired reverence in all who laid eyes on them. They were pennants to represent not only the country, but the states and various regiments as well and the significance of their role cannot be downplayed.

During times of battle, they were incredibly important because they marked positions on the battlefields. Since visibility was often low and it was difficult to hear over the sounds of gun and canon fire, the men would quickly become scattered and confused. These were the best way for them to stay close to their commanding officer and they were trained to locate and follow it.

Colors played an important part in the distinction of a specific flag and helped men to identify their regiment more easily. Commanders would come up with designs that would be made into special flags which were used in combat. It was a challenge for anyone to know what was happening on the battlefield because of the heavy artillery fire causing smoke, deafening sounds, and constant confusion.

At the time, the United States was essentially divided into two separate nations consisting of the North and the South, which went by the name the Confederacy. Both groups had their own flags and the US stars and stripes which are still used today resemble the many redesigns that took place during that war. Individual regiments had their own pennants as well and some states also created designs.

The soldiers that carried the flag into battle had a very distinguished role which required incredible courage and bravery. They were known as the color guard and this team was made of four men, two of which held up the flags and two who protected and guarded them as best as they could. The color guards often suffered a high mortality rate and garnered great respect.

In order to be chosen as a color guard, one had to display great courage. These brave men would be unarmed even while under direct fire. At all times they had to follow the lead of their commander and face the enemy and could not retreat, otherwise the rest of the troops might follow.

It is very rare to see a flag from this era today that is in great condition. They can fetch a very large sum of money at auction or through a sale from a private collector. Many of the original artifacts have suffered not only from original damage but also from the wear and tear of time.

Replicas and reproductions of civil war battle flags are available for purchase and are popular with history buffs. Many people in the Southern states still hold these symbols in high regard and are proud to wave them as an acknowledgment to their heritage. You could get a well-made reproduction made from polyester or cotton from a reputable company.

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