
Affordable Family Movie Fun

By Harvey Warner

Few things can beat watching a good movie with family, both at the theater and at home. Hollywood is getting more family conscious and producing more movies for general audiences so the selection is better than in times past.

If you're not sure about a certain movie's content, go online and do your research. The rating is not always reliable, but they give at least some kind of indication. It's hard to believe that certain movies are rated PG.

The cost of movies has gone up along with most other items on the market. Depending on what city you live in you can expect to spend $7 to $10 or more for an adult ticket and about $2 less for children under 12. Discounts are available for students who provide a valid school ID.

Ticket prices vary depending on what time you go to the theater. The majority of theater offer lower prices on matinees. These movies are shown earlier than 5PM.

Some theaters also have super value days when you get matinee prices all day. Super value days are usually on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the typically slower days for them. Too bad that one can't go at a specific time and get discounts on food items at the concession stand.

Find a dollar movie theater or at least one that offers very cheap tickets. They show the same features although a few weeks later than first run theaters. It's worth a wait if you want to save money.

You might have to forfeit expected comforts such as theater sitting, but you will probably get a discount also on food items and drinks. Discount theaters usually open in old theaters, so they might not be as luxurious as some of the new ones.

Some cities still offer drive-in theaters, which can be a lot of fun for the whole family. Discounts are available for whole carloads getting in at one time, and sometimes even on first-run movies. Many families really enjoy drive-ins, because they feel free to bring their own food and can even sit outside the car on a lounge chair if they so desire. Bring your own lounge chair and feel free to get out of the car.

Drive-in movies are making a comeback in pools and parks. Free movies and popcorn are becoming a common thing to find at pools and parks. Families can sit in the pool or lounge outside the water, and still watch the movie.

You might enjoy watching a movie at home with your family. But don't just rent a video; create the whole movie theater experience. You can set the tone by popping some popcorn and dimming the lights. The benefits of a movie at home are obvious - you can pause the movie for any reason, including to get more popcorn or use the bathroom.

To save money on movie DVDs join a movie club and get your movies by mail. They will mail you one as soon as you return the other. Some families really like the process of selecting movies together. Movies are a great way to escape and provide the family an affordable night together.

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