
Improving Your Photography - Tips To Get Better Pictures!

By Allison Maggie Sanchez

Photography is a magnificent art form that can also act as a stress reliever. People who love taking pictures and make time for it, often find that every day things make great photographs. It's often said that each picture is worth 1000 words.

Know how to correctly hold your camera before you take any photographs with it. If you fail to follow this tip, blurry pictures can be the result. Keep arms close to the body, and suppor the lens with your hand that is not dominant.

You can get a much better photograph by getting down to their level and having them look directly into the camera. You'll be surprised at how much better your photographs of kids turn out after you make this simple change.

A tripod is a must own if you want high quality pictures. The small movement that comes from holding a camera in your hands as you take a picture can show up in your photos, especially in the situation of trying to capture fast action or when you're using a longer shutter speed. Buying a tripod, even a very inexpensive one, can help eliminate all traces of blur from your photos. If you purchase a quality tripod, you'll be able to avoid unexpected results, and will produce more professional looking pictures.

Use shutter speeds creatively. Consider using a slow speed, even as low as 1/30, rather than relying on the fastest shutter speed possible. For example, consider the cyclist as he rushes by you. The result will be that the cyclist is sharp and clear, while the background is horizontally streaked, creating a speeding effect.

To increase your chances of getting a nice photo, snap multiple pictures while walking toward your subject. Ideally, the subject should fill the frame by the final shot. The minute details of the subject will be more obvious, allowing the viewer of the photograph later to enjoy each little feature that is visible.

To alter how your subject appears, change camera angles. For instance, you can make your subject look more powerful by shooting from below. If you desire your subject to project a weaker image, shoot the photo from above. Certain situations will require different techniques, and learning as you go is the best way to figure out what you need to do and when you need to do it.

In general, you must choose whether you should expose your subject's highlights or shadows in your shot. If you so choose, you can take two different pictures with different effects, and blend them together using programs such as Photoshop.

As the above article stated, although not everyone may enjoy taking pictures, almost everyone can find the beauty in a beautiful picture. As a photographer, you will have the ability to cobble together series of images that everyone else may have overlooked. Photography is an interesting and rewarding activity. Letting others see your artistic vision through your photos can be a wonderful release and a conduit for reflection.

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