
FreeLife Income Secrets: How To Be A FreeLife Top 2% Producer

By Eduardo Kooliantra

FreeLife success seekers: Want to dominate and build a HUGE business?

If you wish to become a top earner, you need a promotion strategy to implement because you'll run out of friends and family to approach.

You have to learn how to market- like a REAL business!

I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Sell Yourself First. Promote Your Company Second.

People in companies like FreeLife who try to market online mistakenly lead with their opportunity. They fail to understand people aren't looking for a business like FreeLife to get started with. Deep down, they're looking for one thing: Someone to guide them to achieving success.

Stand out by marketing the value you personally bring to the table. Do not simply lead with your business opportunity! On the web, practically all home business owners attempt to hard sell individuals on their business. These are the people who drone on and on about how visionary the management team is, how great the comp plan is, and how revolutionary the products are. And these people miss the reality that almost nobody cares about that stuff.

Market yourself as a leader who can train pothers how to succeed. Write articles and record short videos that teach network marketing skills. Then folks will respect you as the leader they seek. Some will approach YOU to join your FreeLife business.

- Sell Affiliate Products

Affiliate products are those you market and earn a commission on each sale. Promote marketing systems, courses and ebooks that teach network marketing or internet marketing tactics. Affiliate marketing creates several advantages for your FreeLife business.

The prospects that buy affiliate products based on your recommendation are more likely to want to look at your FreeLife business opportunity. These prospects have signaled a willingness to pull out a credit card and buy, not just browse.

Whether or not they're interested in FreeLife is a non-issue. You make money by selling affiliate products to the vast majority of your FreeLife prospects who don't join your business. This boosts your overall profits.

Membership websites and other subscription-based tools pay a recurring monthly commission. Recurring revenue adds consistency to your business (and helps you sleep better at night knowing there's reliable revenue). Promoting affiliate products on the front end of your business will help you stand out. You are not going to be one of the numerous network marketers who lead with hard sell of their opportunity. You'll seem like an authority and valuable guide, not just a promoter. When you promote affiliate products on the front end of your business, you will end up sponsoring a lot of people into your FreeLife business.

- Manage Time Effectively

To be successful in FreeLife, you must understand time is your most vital commodity. Employees get paid for their time, even if they don't use their time effectively.

As a business owner, your income is going to depend on how productively you use your time. To succeed in FreeLife or any business, you must manage your time well.

Block out your work schedule each day. Schedule your FreeLife business tasks in advance. You've got to know what to do when you start working so you don't waste time just planning.

Stay focused on the things that generate income. These are things like connecting with qualified prospects and generating leads. Minimize interruption When you work, turn off your phone and close your door.

Start your work time with the most critical tasks. The activities that bring in the most revenue for your FreeLife business are the things to do first. Sort out what you plan to earn per hour in your business. Take your ideal monthly income and divide it by the number of hours you expect to work each month. This number is your hourly rate as a business owner.

It might be over one hundred dollars per hour. Can someone do your grocery shopping and other chores for less than this hourly rate? If so, then why are you doing them? You should hire people to complete simple household tasks.

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