
Facts About Capture Pages

By Bobby Pena

Today, advertising yourself or your business online is an essential part of becoming successful. In addition to a traditional and very well designed website, you should also include an online campaign that successfully utilizes a custom capture page, rather than replicated pages. If you are looking for information on the benefits of using these pages and how they can be used in conjunction with successful email campaigns, this article can help.

Custom capture pages are pages that are not actually a part of your main website. These pages are usually linked to through online ads, such as those that are found in search engine results, and in emails that your marketing team sends out. Typically, capture pages are used to generate interest in your products and services, while also driving traffic to your main site.

The capture site is typically used to provide customers with information that is pertinent to the current ad campaign. This means that the page becomes a one stop shop full of information, which otherwise could only be found by visiting multiple pages on your main site. These capture pages help customers receive the information they need right when they need it without having to spend ages trying to find it all on your website.

Any custom capture page should contain some very important features. For instance, it should be branded, so customers recognize that it belongs to you and your company. The domain should also be very similar or the same as your main site's domain and you should also use relevant keywords within the text of the page.

There are marketers who replicate the same capture page over and over again. These sites will then be packed with varying keywords and will have different domains in order to increase the amount of traffic the site receives. However, the pages will all largely appear to be the same.

You should avoid replicating your capture pages because search engines are now coming down on businesses who do this by demoting them in the search engine results. Also, it makes your business look unprofessional. Custom capture pages, in contrast, will be appreciated by your customers for their unique content and by search engines.

Using a capture page with your email and online ad campaigns is a great idea. Make sure that each page is tailored to each campaign and avoid replicated pages at all costs. Your customers will appreciate your thoughtfulness and that's always good for business.

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