
Choosing A Good HiFi System Easily

By Mark Ferguson

Someone who is about to begin choosing a good hifi system might feel a bit overwhelmed by the plethora of brands to choose from. While reading technical magazines might help somewhat, it is definitely not true that going out and buying a system just because it is rated five-star in the latest issue is the best way to go about it.

A technical magazine will not tell you how your music will sound when you play it in your house. As music is an individual experience, something that we all appreciate differently, how the system sounds is an extremely important consideration.

The size and furnishings of the room you intend to play your music is an important factor to consider. Sound will behave differently in a room that is huge and sparsely furnished, compared to a room that is small and has a lot of furniture in it.

The space you have available will also determine your purchase. You will need to consider whether you have room for free-standing floor units, or whether you are looking at micro hi-fi systems that will take up minimum space. There is a range of sizes available and you do not have to compromise on quality even if you do have to get smaller components.

For some people, a good bet is buying separates instead of an all-in-one system. This option allows you to put together different parts from different makers. For instance, if you feel that one brand has better cd players than speakers, you may want to buy speakers of a different brand. If you choose to go this route, be aware that the different parts may not be aesthetically pleasing when put together.

The most important consideration however is how the system sounds to you. Do not make a purchase without listening to how it sounds in the shop. Take along some familiar music and play it and see if you like how it sounds. Take the time to compare how the same music sounds when played on different systems.

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