
The Way To Find The Right Chicago Photographer For A Wedding

By Karin Garcia

I have the simplest and best way to find a great photographer for your wedding. In fact, I'm going to tell you something you already knew, but might need to be reminded of. The best kind of lead you can get is one coming from word of mouth. In other words, if you ask around friends, coworkers and relatives, you will probably get much better leads than if you tried to find a good photographer randomly searching around.

I mean otherwise this can be a very difficult task, because it requires hundreds of hours of reading interviews, reading up on how to recognize good professionals and other such things. When a name keeps being dropped by everyone you know - this is like a golden seal of approval.

Now if you are someone who has only recently arrived in this city, you might be disappointed by my speech on word of mouth. I didn't mean to scare you, just praise the benefits of word of mouth when it's available. If the first strategy isn't available to you, go ahead and start browsing those yellow pages!

Alternatively, you can start searching for reviews on the internet. Note though that "reviews" sound good in theory, but don't work that well in practice. It feels like it should be the equivalent to a friend's recommendation, but it's doesn't. The reason for this is that it's easy to fake reviews online on the positive side - the owner could have reviewed his own studio three times. The other major reason is that in some places only people with negative experienced tend to write.

In short, use both the yellow pages and online reviews only as a way to compile a big list of photographers to call up and consider. Then go ahead and call each and everyone to see how you like them as people. Of those whom you like best, then go and have a real-life interview with them one-on-one.

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