
Tips and Tricks for a Stormtrooper Costume

By Ricky Bahal

A Stormtrooper costume is one that never fails to get attention. Anybody who has seen a Star Wars movie will automatically know who you are and if you have the right accessories (like the blaster) you'll make a fabulous impression at any dress up event. There are all sorts of ways to dress up as a Stormtrooper--it all depends on your budget and how authentic you want to appear.

Make sure that you give a lot of attention to the helmet when you buy (or construct) your Stormtrooper costume. The helmet is the first thing that people will notice about the costume you are wearing and it is what will make you easily identifiable as a Stormtrooper. Naturally, the more you can afford to spend on your costume, the higher quality helmet you will be able to buy. You can find authentic replica helmets on the Internet if you really want the one that can help you get into the role. If you have decided to make your costume, you will need to remember that you don't just need the helmet to cover your head, you need to cover your face as well.

A big part of the sinister appearance of the Stormtrooper is the fact that his whole body is covered in armor so they do not have any individual features. Therefore, the convincing-ness of your Stormtrooper outfit is dependent upon having the mask or helmet that gives you the correct appearance. You have many choices when it comes to searching for a stormtrooper costume. There are zillions of costume shops out there that specialize in and sell reasonably priced costumes of every sort. There are also costume shops that specialize in higher cost costumes that cater to films and theaters where you can find costumes that are more authentic looking. There are also a wide selection of costumes to be found online. Aside from the better known retail websites like Amazon, you can find a lot of websites that specialize in selling costumes. There are plenty of used costumes on eBay and on the other auction websites--these are great ways to save money on costumes that are traditionally more expensive. If you are looking for Stormtrooper costumes, you should look through websites that sell Star Wars associated accessories.

You can wear a stormtrooper costume on your own, or you can plan your efforts with some friends as part of a Star Wars theme. Because Stormtroopers are soldiers, you can work with a big group to play the role and have fun making a big entrance. Someone could also play Darth Vader, who is the master whom the stormtroopers serve. Lots of people dress up as Darth Vader too. It's also a good idea to have some friends dress up like the "good guy" people from the movies like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda or Luke Skywalker. There are so many possibilities if you want a group of people to get together and "become" Star Wars characters.

You want to get the appearance correct, for sure, but you should also work hard to make sure that you correctly capture the way that they walk around and move around too. This can be a lot more fun if you have someone else or even a group of someone else's who are all dressed like Stormtroopers, which helps you create the appearance of an entire unit. If you're really good in your portrayal of the Stormtrooper, you might actually cause people to feel nervous or scared when you aim your blaster at them! Over the last thirty or so years since the first Star Wars movie was released, many people have worn costumes inspired from this series. The Stormtrooper costume is one of the most popular, probably because of it's intricate design and the thought that the costumers put into making it.

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