
Landscape Image Tips: How to Use Converging Lines Well

By Roy Barker

Did you know that using converging lines in photography will help you come up with some interesting pictures especially for landscape photography. More than simply bringing out the appearance of distance, using converging lines can also create an illusion of flow and add a sense of depth and scale in any photograph. Obviously, using this part can help add a sense of lifelikeness and make your pictures more enthralling in the eyes of your viewers.

Therefore how do you use this element to capture the desired effects? Here are some pointers that can help you do this correctly:

Tips in Using Converging Lines

Don't be afraid to try experimenting with positioning. While the classic shot calls for shooting at the very center of the converging lines to achieve symmetry, feel free to shoot at a different position to achieve a rather more unique effect without jeopardizing the concept of convergence. As an example, you can position your camera at the side of a railroad track to achieve a diagonal line effect. More than keeping the idea of converging lines untouched, doing the shot this way also adds drama and a sense of movement to your images.

Consider adding an engaging focus. While shooting converging lines by itself might be enough to create quite an impact, you can still reinforce the standard of your photos by adding engaging visible elements at the point of convergence. However , you might need to take some extra caution in doing this for it may distract and confuse your spectators, particularly when it is not done right.

Use wide angle lenses. There is no doubt that using wide angle lenses in shooting converging lines produces more visible impact in comparison to using normal lenses. Why is this so? Well, it is often because using wide angle lenses exaggerates the width of your lines and this gives quite a strong impression in the eyes of your viewers.

Hence are you ready to start to take incredible photographs using this method? If this is so just remember these laws and you may achieve the effect you need.

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