
Photography Techniques For Landscape Scenes

By Jon Warner

When traveling through a beautiful landscape, there can be a tendency to stop at convenient points to take photographs that you hope will capture the grandeur of the setting. If you do not want your pictures to be boring and flat, it is important that you familiarize yourself with a broad selection of photography techniques.

A camera lens cannot by itself focus in on the most appealing elements in a scene. If you want to take pictures that you are proud of, and which are admired by a broad audience, you will need to learn how to capture different types of landscapes to bring out their sense of beauty.

Prairies and plains are amongst the hardest of all landscapes to photograph well. The main reason for this is that they do not usually feature a specific point of interest. Think about what you are trying to communicate when taking pictures of wide open spaces, usually it is the huge scope of the panorama. Consider that the viewer will need some object to focus on, be it a fence line, stream, or a winding road.

The rugged beauty of a desert can uplift the soul. When taking pictures of a sea of sand, you should think carefully about what time of day to venture out. During the hottest hours, you could consider using a long lens to capture the heat waves that are visible on the horizon. Do not shoot with the sun in the frame as this may cause your camera's meter to underexpose the rest of the image. Deserts are an excellent place to take pictures of the night sky, a long exposure can capture the movement of stars.

Coastal regions provide a huge variety of photographic opportunities. The way in which you approach taking pictures of sea coasts and marine scenes would depend upon the type of shore that you are in proximity of. Consider how to best convey the atmosphere and action that is present. Search for elements that can help to reinforce the type of feeling which you are hoping to convey.

Taking photographs of forests can be challenging. You will need to get a sense of the character of the forest and the feeling that it arouses in you. For example, the trees may appear light and airy or dark and brooding. As with all photographs, use these landscape photography tips to try and use a point of interest within your frame. This could be an unusual trunk, a colorful flower, or a simple path.

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