
So Much To Offer In The Way Of Film Schools

By Adriana Noton

Film schools are located all over the world to teach the exciting world of writing, directing, cinematography, editing, and acting. It can be a very rewarding career in many different aspects when one is finished with their degree. Depending on where one wants to live and possibly work after school could determine what school they pick. Applying, getting accepted, and finishing one's degree are all part of the process.

Cinema schools are all over the world. In every continent, one can find a school of this nature. There are so many to choose from. Some places of learning require a student to take courses that are not in their discipline such as a writing student taking an editing class or an editing student maybe having to take a cinematography course.

Some of the courses can overlap. If one is a screenwriting major, for example, they may want to take an acting class as it will give the student a perspective on how their characters come to life from the written page to a three-dimensional person. This experience can be quite astonishing and rewarding to see the process.

Most places of learning that teach this subject have a wide variety of courses and curriculum to teach from. It is good to work with your advisor to find the best approach for you. There are many tracks available for different interests so one cannot get bored or discouraged. There is support out there for each student as each one will be treated differently.

It is also good for the cinematography major to take a screenwriting or acting course as well. It may not seem to be helpful, but after one is in the class and has experienced it first-hand, they will see the benefits. The world of film is so vast and creative that all the aspects of what it takes to make a full-length feature film need to be learned as much as possible.

Schools for cinema are quite different in the United States as they are in other parts of the world such as Europe. Europeans see the world of cinema totally different than Americans do. They usually see it in a less commercial light. They look at the characters of a script and what they want and make the magic happen between them. Hollywood in America will make sure all of that happens as well with the power of the dollar largely attached to the whole project.

The bottom line in American movies is money. If it does not look like it will bring in any money, it will not get made. Very few risks are made as people are often discouraged from taking gambles. In Europe, the quality of the project is taken more into account. Also, in Europe, less drama surrounding car chases or large explosions are seen which helps cut down the costs of the movie's budget as these special effects can cost quite a bit of money.

Americans will give up on it altogether if anything with money gets in the way. This is a sad reality, but one must ponder. What one's values are should determine what school and what culture they want to learn the world of cinema from. Film school in all cultures have a different outlook and it must match the one of the prospective student.

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