
A Wi-Fi Tablet Examined: The Dell Streak 7

By Kathryn Caldwell

The first iPad was received with skepticism; people thought that their laptop computers covered the same bases more than adequately. Then again, the true purpose of the iPad started to become clearer. As the marketplace caught on and Apple's accountants started rubbing their hands with glee, the other big computer and cellular companies sat up and took note. Suddenly, Tablets could be found in all the sales outlets. Not surprisingly, Dell is targeting to get a piece of the pie. The product offering Dell is placing its hopes on is the Streak 7 Wi-Fi Tablet. In this article, we will take a closer look at this tablet and whether or not it is something you should buy.

It's better to recommend a gadget when the company behind it has a good reputation - that, however, is not the case with Dell. Dell is one company that isn't known for the quality of the products it makes. The company's customer service track record is likewise on sort of uneven ground. From customer feedback, it looks like once your warranty expires, you are going to be billed for calling customer support. Thus, while this device is in all likelihood going to be one of the more easily affordable tablets sold on the market, you should pause to think about who you will be giving your hard-earned money to. While coming to a decision about the Dell Streak, have you considered that you can watch films on this device, much like Movies For iPhone

Today, multitasking between different functions is much in demand, and the Android OS version used here, referred to as Froyo, should make it fairly uncomplicated. It's not a necessity to keep particular applications "live" in order to get messages from the system's notification service, while at the same time listening to MP3s and keeping your GPS data up-to-date. Friends and business contacts will constantly be able to get hold of you on your tablet because it gives you access to your email accounts, including Gmail, relatively easily.

One of the great things about this tablet that did not come with the initial iPad design is video chat. Video chat is built-in with the Dell Streak 7 tablet by means of Qik software and a camera panel that faces front. But oh dear, yes, there is a caveat: an individual who owns the same Dell Streak 7 tablet, or something compatible, presents no problem - otherwise, incommunicado you will be. So video chatting with others who have other platforms is not ensured. A fillip for this Dell tablet is the integrated offering of the On Demand service from Blockbuster. It's no secret that Blockbuster has been going through its own share of troubles of late so we aren't quite sure if this is truly a selling point.

Reviews right now are few and far between, but it does appear that people are wary as to the reasons why this tablet was introduced. The device's functionality is severely limited through its inability to interact with devices that aren't compatible with this particular Dell tablet. However, if you believe you're missing out and you are interested to learn whether tablets are actually the thing for you, this tablet is an affordable way for you to figure it out. Before you , though, take care and make sure that you understand what you're spending your money on.

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