
Jack the Ripper & His Work of Evil

By Samantha Richards

In the last eighteen century a notorious killer went on a killing rampage targeting only poor prostitutes. The true identity of the killer has never been known to anyone but the name Jack the Ripper was given to him after a news agency received a letter from him claiming to commit all the murders.

Only female prostitutes were targeted by him, those female prostitutes used to live poorly in white chapel area of London. Some of the women were killed in semipublic area at late hours of night and some were murdered in private places. Jack the Ripper horrifically murdered women by slashing their throats and mutilating their bodies.

Police found out that out of all the killings he did, three victims were missing internal organs which gave rose to the news that Jack the Ripper is a killer who possess some kind of medical or anatomical skills which is why he took those organs.

The newspaper of that time gave a big and widespread disrepute to the police of that time for failing in their attempts to recognize or catch the killer. The police tried their best but at some points they did miss out on the killer when they were only few blocks away from him where he murdered the women.

Though it's been many years but still police cannot find out the real identity of the killer. In order to understand the killer more some people take Jack the Ripper Tour when they visit London. Jack the Ripper tour is usually led by excellent guide who not only give you information but also take you to murder site.

People upon taking Jack the Ripper tour get familiar with the details of the killings and will also get to see the area where murders took place. Jack the Ripper tour will give people an idea to compare the availability of technology at that time and also to see how much that area has evolved now.

This is advised for weak hearted people to be careful and think twice when taking up Jack the Ripper tour as it might involve some disturbing pictures, details and painstaking details about the victims of Jack the Ripper.

By taking Jack the Ripper tour you will also get to know about the upsetting and mentally ill mind set of the killer who only chose poor women as his victims. After taking Jack the Ripper tour, you will get second thoughts before stepping into a dark alley alone.

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