
What Should You Expect From The iPad 2?

By Vivian Aries

There's no doubt that almost all folks will have seen or heard of the iPad 2 in one way or another. There is always a lot of media coverage of anything Apple do. Maybe it's because of all the fan boys, or is it just because Apple produces quality products? I would suggest it could be both, talking as an unbiased onlooker in this. One year separates the release dates of the iPad and now the iPad 2. Hence, if you got the original model, I will now give my opinion on if you should consider switching to the iPad 2.

The first thing to note with the iPad 2 is the reduction in in terms of size. The iPad 2 is skinnier by approximately a third of the original but the screen dimensions continue to be the same. The weight of the iPad 2 has likewise seen a reduction with it now hitting the scales at just 600 grams. Light by any measures. These modifications are touchable as I found by holding the iPad and iPad 2. Any thought you may have that it will not work as well, as a result the size changes, could not be more incorrect.

Don't forget that you can also download ipad movies. The new iPad is as a matter of fact a lot speedier than the first one. First up, Apple touts that its graphics processor is nine times faster than the initial iPad. This is a significant advancement if we take that as read. The rationale behind this is as a result of new cameras and what is needed for games. In addition, the shift from an A4 to an A5 chip implies that Apple has a quick processor inside. The A5 chip possesses a dual core processor and it makes a difference to the speed of the new iPad. I definitely noticed it was faster, even with a lot of apps working in the background. If I use the various media on the original and then the latest iPad, the improved load speed time is evident.

The availability of the iPad 2 has likewise resulted in the addition of two cameras. One is on the front side and the other camera is on the rear side. The first iPad didn't come with cameras the least bit, so this is a big feature if you're bothered about having a camera on your device. There is a difference in that one of the cameras can shoot in 720p HD. Video calling and fun photographs are now achievable with the new iPad with the add-on of FaceTime and Photobooth. The front camera positions you face-to-face when video calling using FaceTime whereas the iPad's back camera gives a view of your surroundings.

In sum, I would personally recommend changing over from the original iPad to the iPad 2 if you have the money, however if you're not interested in slightly faster loading times then don't bother. While the upgrades are an improvement, it's nothing groundbreaking, apart from possibly the camera which is a brand new inclusion.

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