
Was Clint Eastwood In His Hey Day The Coolest Man In The World?

By Michelle Barrows

Have you ever seen the interview of Clint Eastwood when he was questioned if he asked why do you believe folk called him to coolest actor in the world? He was sitting on a sofa and as quickly as he was asked the question he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He popped the open top packet and out rolled a cig. He then picked one out flicked it and it landed in his mouth. He flicked his gas lighter flint of his leg and it sparked up. Next he lit his fag, drew a deep breath and paused. He angled his head on the side and retorted in his calm voice, "I don't know". Alright.

Out of all of the actors like Paul Newman, Frank Sinatra, Steve McQueen, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant the ones that have that cool nothing phases me touch, Clint took this further with his edgy, yet composed laconic demeanor. If you might sell ice to eskimo's Clint would be a s.e.o. marketing specialists dream man.

What help[s Clint of course is the star studded vehicles he was in that were created especially for him. He learned plenty from his early acting career, and he realized speedily the seriousness of having control of a film contract. It was this control that unavoidably led him into direction.

Nothing much more may be said but this relaxed style is truly Clint's persona. Even at 70 years plus his voice is calm and quiet on his movie set. The actors and crew respect this. There are no stories about Clint yelling at his crew or actors to get the very finest out of them. He has faith in them and this transfers across into the screen.

Still going strongly and with his recent films from Flags Of Our Fathers to Grand Torino and Million Buck Baby the creativeness has dried up neither. When there is a crisis Clint is yer man. Maybe he should stand for President and sort out this mess. Rather him than Arnold.

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