
What Can You Expect From The iPad 2?

By Jacob Aldrich

For many of us, it is impossible to escape the fact that the iPad 2 is out. Apple launches constantly produce a great deal of buzz. Apple fans could be the cause of this or is it truly that their releases are so good? Coming from somebody who is unbiased, I'd say it's somewhat a bit of the two. One year separates the release dates of the iPad and now the iPad 2. Thus, if you got the first model, I will now share my opinion on if you should consider changing to the iPad 2.

The first thing to notice with the iPad 2 is the reduction in in terms of size. The iPad 2's screen size has remained the same at a nice 9.7 inches; nevertheless, the thickness of this newer model has been reduced by a third of the original size, which of course is a nice thing. The weight of the iPad 2 has also seen a diminution with it now weighing in on the scales at a mere 600 grams. That's very light. If you hold the iPad and the new iPad 2, the modification in design can be experienced. It would be an inaccurate assumption to think that this thinner, lighter version does not function as well.

Don't forget that you can also download ipad movies. When compared to the original model, the iPad 2 is speedier. The graphics processor is touted by Apple to be 9 times speedier than the initial iPad. If that is accurate, it is a huge leap forward. The reason for this progress is for demanding games and the camera, which we'll talk about before long. The processor is also much faster, as Apple have advanced from the old A4 chip to an A5 chip. The A5 chip features a dual core processor and it does make a difference to the speed of the latest iPad. No matter what I was using, I could distinguish that it was faster. If I use the different media on the original and then the new iPad, the faster load speed time is evident.

The iPad 2 now has two cameras. You will find these situated at both the back and the front side. If you like the idea of having a camera, then you will embrace this shift of stance as when the iPad was initially released, there were no cameras. A somewhat better capability of one of the cameras is the ability to film in 720p HD. FaceTime and PhotoBooth are two new additions to the iPad which allow you to make video calls and take interesting photos, respectively. With FaceTime, the front camera allows your calling partner to see you and the back camera lets your partner see what you can see, on the back side of the iPad.

Overall, I would personally recommend upgrading from the original iPad to the iPad 2 if you have the money, however if you're not interested in slightly faster loading times then don't bother. If we disregard the cameras, then the modifications are not significant but do make it a better model.

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