
What Should You Expect From The iPad 2?

By Dorothy Allen

The iPad 2 has been in the news, so many of us know that it is out. There is always a good deal of hype when it comes to Apple products. Possibly it's thanks to all the fan boys, or is it just because Apple develops quality products? From an unbiased stand, I think it is a combination of these. The iPad 2 was announced and released just recently, and it comes merely a year after the first iPad was released. Hence, if you purchased the initial model, I will now share my opinion on if you should consider shifting to the iPad 2.

The iPad 2 is smaller compared to the original iPad model. It is fine to discover that the iPad 2 is skinnier, to the tune of 33% in comparison to the original iPad, and that the size of the screen is as it was. The iPad 2 is likewise much lighter, weighing just a little more than 600g. That's light. I've had both an iPad and an iPad 2 and I must say there is an obvious difference in its feel. It would be a faulty presumption to believe that this slimmer, lighter version does not work as well.

The iPad 2 is a lot faster than the initial model. The graphics processor is bragged by Apple to be 9 times speedier than the first iPad. That is a huge improvement, if what they say is accurate. Gaming requirements and the introduction of cameras is why this had to come about. The processor is likewise much quicker, as Apple have gone on from the old A4 chip to an A5 chip. The new iPad's A5 dual core processor is what makes it faster than the last model. No matter what I was using, I could see that it was faster. I've as well looked at both the original iPad and new iPad side by side and I can certainly say you note things, such as web pages and video, loading much faster.

The iPad 2 now features two cameras. One camera is on the front side and the second camera is on the rear. The original iPad didn't come with cameras in the least, so this is a major feature if you're bothered about having a camera on your device. There is a difference in that one of the cameras can snap in 720p HD. The iPad 2 decided to add FaceTime and Photobooth, providing you the ability to video call and take all kinds of pics. The front camera positions you face-to-face when video calling through FaceTime whereas the iPad's back camera gives a view of your surroundings.

All in all, I would personally urge upgrading from the original iPad to the iPad 2 if you have the money, however if you're not interested in slightly faster loading times then don't bother. Even though the upgrades are an improvement, it's nothing serious, apart from possibly the camera which is a brand new inclusion.

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