
SEO Writing And The Newsroom: Blending Together Keywords In The Headlines

By Jon Lewis

Enter a newsroom and ask a news writer about SEO, and you would usually get a rather terse response. SEO, or search engine optimisation, has been the reason articles abound all over the internet. In SEO, keyword-rich articles are distributed for the sole objective of generating links that will make a website highly searchable in the search engines. In short, SEO writing is for marketing and advertising of small to medium size corporations.

In both news media writing and SEO, the chant "content is king" applies. Readers have discerning preferences, and would quickly thrash a poorly written, keyword-bombed material. In both news writing and SEO, content, therefore, has to be engaging. While it is true that search engine spiders are also target readers of a keyword-rich text, real people actually read SEO materials, therefore these articles have to make sense.

Is there a reason for internet article writers to feel less or insecure when compared with news writers? The answer is none. Internet writers do not write boring things. The same stress on plagiarism as being unethical, and incorrect grammar and non-sensical composition as being bad writing practices is placed on the task of internet writers.

When it comes to audience, both internet and newsworthy writing are in a tough game. In fact, getting the attention of readers is even harder for internet article writers because web readers have a lot of other options, and can easily shift to other articles if they lose interest on the copy from reading the banner alone. News readers, on the other hand, can stay engrossed up to the third paragraph of a story.

SEO is internationally recognised as an internet marketing strategy as well information resource. In Singapore, SEO service providers offer innovative strategies to web marketing campaigns. The SEO services Singapore can offer keeps aligned with its prepared environment for the use of internet as a business tool. Singapore SEO companies employ the highest work quality.

The defining advantage of contracting a Singapore-based SEO company is that it is a source of in-country and offshore top-calibre SEO talents. SEO writing is deadline-driven. Considering the volume of articles, SEO companies outsource writing jobs to English-competent writers from other countries like the Philippines. This is advantageous to clients engaging Singapore-based SEO companies because there is no time-zone, thus the lesser hurdle for meeting deadlines.

News media writing and SEO writing also have another shared ground. For the writers, both give an opportunity to hone skills, make a decent living, and enjoy doing what they like doing best.

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