
Getting Into The Wedding Photography Business

By Samuel Burns

Getting into the wedding photography business is about more than being a wedding photographer. You have to be willing to be your own advertiser, networker, manager, and contractor. Don't quit your day job until you really know what you're in for. Being a wedding photographer involves more than weddings.

Wedding photography is a niche industry that has one busy season a year and one dry spell a year. If you're content working your entire summer (and most of the spring and early autumn) then you're in the right frame of mind to work as a wedding photographer. You may be thinking, "But I'll only work on the weekends". While that may seem to be true, most wedding photographers do engagement pictures and other wedding-related shoots during the week. In order to pay your bills and build a clientele you'll be working much more than you think.

Once you get started you still need to be visible. With the internet at hand you can advertise on Twitter, Facebook, and many other websites where people are looking for wedding services. Also keep in mind that people who do those wedding services; Caterers, ministers, and wedding planners tend to refer people as well. For every wedding planner that gets a new client they can easily say, "Hey, I know this great new photographer" and you're in. Make as many friends as you can so that you don't have to do all the work yourself. Your network of colleagues can do tons of heavy lifting for you.

The easiest way to start making money is network through your friends and family. Someone gets engaged and you can swoop in and offer to do their engagement shots. They'll get a discount (because you're a friend) and you'll gain experience. After doing one wedding you're an "experienced wedding photographer" with photos you can promote yourself with.

At the end of the day, it takes time to build up a clientele and a group of people who will refer you. Start with small jobs that don't pay well, but will garner you referrals. After some hard work you'll have more than enough work for yourself, and you may find that you enjoy doing head shots and portraits too.

Work hard at promoting yourself and advertising and you'll have a year-round business doing nothing but taking pictures all day. Ultimately, that should be the goal. Do it for the love of photography and the work will likely come to you.

Once you decide you can take pictures all day for pay you'll have more work than you can handle. Between the senior portrait season, wedding season, family portraits for Christmas and everything in between you'll be a very busy photographer. Keep promoting yourself and you'll be a thriving photographer, and that all started with you and a camera.

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