
Photography 101: Photo Equipment

By Harvin Gulfill

If you commit yourself fully to photography, you must have the right photo equipment. With digital photography, you know that you got the right shot but without quality photo equipment, you might just have missed the perfect shot. Photo equipment can either be inexpensive or expensive so choose wisely as to what you want to buy. The following are the basic must haves with digital photo equipment.

The Digital Camera. A DSLR is a good choice for those who want to invest in quality photos. Be careful though because if you do not have the time to learn the numerous controls needed, then you might end up taking very few quality shots. The point shoot automatic camera is the ideal one to get if you with to record parties and holidays. Choose the camera that best suits your taste.

The Tripod. This photo equipment enables you to take pictures that you couldn't take otherwise with a hand held camera. It is also needed to prevent blurry mishaps that come from long exposures and low light.

A Camera Bag. Cameras are precision instruments and it is generally not recommended to carry them anywhere without a bag. Even the small camera is not advised to be stuck in your pocket as the lens may break. Not to worry though, camera bags come in different sizes from the small one that fits in your pocket to large multiple compartment ones.

Batteries. Most cameras have AA batteries but check to make sure if yours have the same type when buying. It is always practical to get extra batteries in case you forget to charge your camera or go on a long trip that may last for more than a day. Batteries can be bought as new nes or they can come in the recyclable variety.

Memory Cards. Your memory card serves as the storage space for your photos. Bring with you a spare so you can capture more moments. You always have the option to delete photos that you don't like.

There is more to photography than just a good camera. With the right photo equipment, you will make a huge difference in the quality of shots you take whether you are an amateur or a professional.

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