
Memories: The Bomb

By Bradley Smith

In the 1960's, a simple break in of a nuclear bunker , for high officials, sparked an outcry of, 'what happens to everyone else'. The denial that the bunker ever existed, gave strength the growing student revolt.

This particular time was typical of an aftermath of a world war. It was a big world war, that lasted for many years, and saw death and destruction, on a large scale. The war in fact only stopped when, the atomic bomb was finally dropped over Japan.

There had been a race to develop the bomb, because it could take out a city, on this basis if it could take out 1 city it could take out more, in Japan , it did indeed take out 2 cities. Would Tokyo have been the third city? it probably would. The race though was, which ever country was first to explode the bomb would be the world leader, it would have power over everyone else.

When the world recovers from a war, it changes dramatically. Values alter, there is a movement against war, for political change. Also societies can improve. At this time the wealth of the nation improved, every home had running water, cookers, radios, pine wardrobes in bedrooms. There was however, a new war starting in South East Asia.

This war started a student revolt against the war.

When the nuclear bunker, was broken into and photographed, it was classed as an act of treason, however it did show the nation, that the government was not always free with the truth, but were prepared for the nation to die whilst it saved itself.

Photographs were taken as proof. These photos, show, not only an admin side , but also a relaxing or living area. This area was basic and simple, with lounge suites, and a farmhouse table eating purposes. The radicals who broke in , had to flee the country, and hide out with friends, around Europe. After a few years they managed to return to the country, and lay low. Their message for open government was heard.

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