
Fall Out After A Nuclear Attack

By Bradley Smith

The first nuclear bunker, that was uncovered in the 1960's, was a breakthrough, not only in national security, but also in some sort of honesty in government policy.

This period of history was unique, the world was quietly getting back on its feet after a world war. It was a world war that saw vast numbers of people killed, and the introduction of the atomic bomb. The importance of the atomic bomb, was when it was dropped, it did stop a world war.

During the war, the scientists were having their own race, to discover bigger and more powerful weapons. A lot was at stake, if this massive bomb could be discovered, the nation that discovered it would have world domination, over other countries. The Americans, were first to drop the bomb over Japan, and a whole city was wiped out. The war was over.

The aftermath of the war, brought about increased prosperity. Whole towns were rebuilt, and technology, took a leap forward. Families could buy items that were being mass produced. Every home had a bathroom, central heating, pine wardrobe in each bedroom. Despite the optimism, a new war in Asia was being fought.

This war started a student revolt against the war.

In this climate of change, and demands for more open government. A nuclear fall out bunker, for the top people, being discovered was one thing, being broken into and photographed was turning point in time. It meant that despite the denials,that it even existed, the government was prepared to survive, whilst the people perished.

Inside the bunker was living, and working areas. The living areas had sofas, and pine farmhouse tables to eat off. The photos were banned, and the intruders had to flee the country and hide across Europe. They were sheltered by student radicals, that were joined together in their common plight of open liberal government.

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