
Reliable Sources Of Classic Violin And Cello Duets

By Daniel Gibson

A well written duet has a magical effect in the ears of listeners and the fingers of instrumentalists. There are very few violin and cello duets worth talking about. When you find a good one, you will even appreciate your skills. Unfortunately, these pieces are not easy to find. How can you find the best pieces for practice or performance?

Choose a composer whose duet you wish to perform. There are composers with a reputation of delivering excellent pieces for violinists and cellists. There are books with great pieces by different composers that you might want to try. These composers produced excellent pieces for different occasions. The best of composers have scores for amateurs and pros. This means that your options are sufficient.

Do you have a specific duet in mind? You might have learnt it in class or come across other performers executing it. You may also have heard its audio somewhere and are looking for the music score. It will be easier to find the piece because you have a specific title in mind. You can search on music websites or libraries for the specific piece.

Speak to your colleagues and peers for assistance. They will help you with specific musical scores that they are using or have come across. Peers are reliable because they understand what you can handle and what you cannot. Friends also know your type of music and will help you find it. They also refer you to places where you can get musical scores easily. Friends encourage you to go higher by providing better pieces. You will never get it wrong when you talk to friends.

Orchestras and music schools have repositories that you can use. There is a high volume of musical pieces by these institutions. Some even play the pieces during events. From the videos and audios they upload, you can choose a captivating piece. Compare their execution of the piece and find a reason to enhance your skills.

The best website to download duet music is where an audio accompanies the piece. Before downloading any piece, you will listen to the audio. You are therefore sure of the piece you are taking. The audio gives you a chance to compare notes when you perform and revise in case there are differences. Such comparison makes you a more accurate instrumentalist.

Check reviews of different composers and musical pieces. These reviews should be by violinists and cellists. This means that they have had a real encounter with the piece and can either recommend it or discourage you from picking it. Reviews save you the time you would have spent sampling different pieces and composers. You will be sure of the piece you are picking.

The type of musical pieces you choose for practice will define your expertise. Choose pieces that are professionally done and within your skill level. They should also be appropriate for your occasion. You might want to consult your mentor or trainer before using a particular piece.

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