
Loosing Does Not Mean Giving Up

By Ryan Davis

Sometimes in our lives we have to face a challenge that will change the way we look at things. It changes our life in a manner that you may no longer know who you really are and what you are doing. But no matter how we look at the situation, we do not have a choice but to do it. Its only right to make an action if you believe that such act is for the goodness.

We are all afraid of changes, yet we seek for it all the time. If a certain thing is no longer entertaining, we tend to find another. But we are afraid that if we do so, there are possibilities that the second one could fail. That is what actually the problem is, we all never want failures.

When someone loses, especially in sports, such person loses also his hope and will. However, we should not lose our hope when we fail in our lives. Failing is just a part of success, which help a person to become the best version of him or herself. If you fail twice or even a couple of times, accept it and let it be you inspiration.

However, no matter what the reason is, failing is not always the end. That is actually an indication that there are still a lot of rooms for your improvement. Come on, we are a human being, designed for endless evolution. We evolve through the environment and of course training.

We need to understand the principle of life that nothing is impossible if hard work and dedication is used. During the middle of this game, sacrifices may be asked from you. Such sacrifice may involve sweat or even blood. But that is totally fine because they are actually the product of hard work. And the same usually results to success.

Indeed, life is actually a gamble. We have the choice whether to bet or not. In betting, we have to understand that there is a chance of winning and losing. Of course, that is how our system works. We cannot expect everything to run in our favor. Balance is not having all the things you wanted. Balance is giving a change to others for them to win.

Pain is always present when success is our goal. But that pain is only a part of such process. Overcoming the same will definitely follow that you are ready to stand at the top. In every good thing in this world, the process is always the hardest part. Even God experience that. And as a human being, pain is only a part of a whole which is success.

The will of a person differs depending on its environment. Sometimes, we need the support of our family and those people we value the most for us to gain confidence. There are also persons who do not want their family to get involved. These people enjoy being alone because for them, independence is a sign of maturity.

We have to remember that all things come with a price. And the price for success is to work really hard. One cannot have all the things in this world but he can try at least. Such is in fact the best thing in our society, no one will stop you from doing you best in order to achieve you goal. Parents and families are always there to support us in every decision we make.

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