
Learn About History With A Harriet Tubman Performer

By Brenda Scott

It is nice when you are on vacation when you can visit places that are truly meaningful to the regions that you are visiting. Many people think of Auburn, the city in New York State, as the birthplace and the resting place of the well-known Harriet Tubman. If you want to find a harriet tubman performer, this might be the best place to look, not to mention at the many historic sites that are along the Underground Railroad, where she helped many enslaved people escape and get their freedom.

Performers like these definitely have to have a lot of experience in order to do this kind of a job right. You might think that it would be easy to get up on a stage or stand around in a historic town and spout out facts and imitate the mannerisms of a person from history, but there is so much to it that can go wrong. The most experienced of actresses are able to make this look easy, which is why you will definitely want to go with a seasoned veteran to play such an important part.

When you are playing this kind of a role, it is a very good idea to take the time to do your research and really learn what this woman had to go through, not to mention what she chose to do in order to go above and beyond. Once you know what she went through, you can then try to imagine what it would actually be like to be put in that scenario for yourself. This does so much to add depth to your reenactment.

Without the right outfit, it would be impossible to play this part right. Choosing to do a period piece means investing in a lot of props and costumes that look like they are from that right period in time. Sometimes, it might be nice to make the costume yourself to add deeper meaning to them.

It is always so much more fun to learn about history when you have it played out in front of you. Having young people understand the terrible realities of slavery in the United States is important now more than ever. In order to have this information sink in and truly have meaning, it is nice to see it acted out.

Some performers specialize in theater performances where they memorize lines and act out scenes on a stage. Other times, you might be part of an interactive show where people ask you questions. Knowing which type of act this is helps you to prepare for what you need to get everything just right.

Messing up on lines or breaking character is just not an option when you are playing this role. When the audience sees these mistakes, the illusion can be completely shattered. All it takes is a swift recovery to avoid this from happening.

Staying hydrated is one thing that anyone would recommend to a person playing this part. Depending on how it is played, it can end up being very physical. Not to mention when you are in a heavy costume in the hot sun, things can get sweaty very quickly.

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