
How To Find Your Passion

By Andrew Scott

It is true that no one wants to be stuck somewhere they feel like they do not belong. Its really easy to feel like that when you are in an environment which you do not feel passionate about especially when you talk about your job. However, the hardest part of being in areas that you are quite not comfortable of is the fact that you cannot leave because you do not know what are the things that excites you and so often ask yourself how to find my passion.

And probably you get to feel a little too hard when you cannot get right to the answer abruptly. Its really not easy to find something and not able to go see it which is why people brings that terrible feelings with them all throughout their days and its really exhausting. You then wish that something exciting happens just so it will all change.

Yes, its basically true that nothing beats the feeling of being able to do what you love and what you are most passionate about. However, there are certain things that you should understand as you try to find that feeling and emoting you are longing for. That way, you will be able to catch a grip of that.

There are many ways for you to reach that goal you have in your heart. But then, you should know where exactly to start so that achieving that certain passion you can come up with is easy and worthwhile. First thing you have to do is assessing yourself about what you want.

Try to ask yourself about the things you are willing to do for a lifetime even if you do not get paid at all. That could be your hobby like writing, painting and such. Sometimes, the reason you forgot about those things that keeps you alive is because you are busy making a living to survive and your job is not always something you would be happy about.

But if the answer is no then you should go and try to think about the environment you are currently in. You should ask yourself if it is really the job you have which you are hating every single day or its the people you get to work with every day of your life which you despise and do not get along with.

That is one thing that kills passion big time. And so, you could try and work that out by doing some remedy and working things that you think you really hate. Try and list all those things down and you may probably find of these on the list that keeps you going and happy for real.

Better think about that. And if you are certain that its not what you want, then try to experiment. Think about the stuff that you hate the most. They may be a blessing in disguise, you just do not realize how you would enjoy it because you do not give it a chance and you try to shrug about the thought.

But probably, if you get to practice and do it once in a while, you would feel pretty good about it. And still if it would not change anything, then you can practice and learn more about the stuff you are mediocre about. Maybe that is what you need, time to explore and delve deeper.

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